News & Media
PhD (Social Welfare)
University at Albany, NYMSW (Social Welfare)
University at Albany, NYBA (Psychology)
University at Albany, NYPublications
Currin-McCulloch, J., *Chen, Q, *Kaushik, S. & Jones, B. (2022). Searching for the 'Aha Moments': Healthcare social workers' experiences of hope and meaning-making during COVID-19. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care.
Noel, L., *Chen, Q., *Petruzzi, L., Phillips, F., Garay, R., Valdez, C., Aranda, M. & Jones, B. (2022) Interprofessional collaboration between social workers and community health workers to address health and mental health in the United States: A systematized review.
Health and Social Care in the Community. http://doi.or/ 10.1111/hsc.14061
Jones, B., Cincotta, N., Pelletier, W., *Fry, A. & Wiener, L. (2022) Reflections of moral suffering, resilience, and wisdom of pediatric oncology social workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Oncology, 29:9, 6177-6185.
Reed, S.C., Berrett-Abebe, J., Moro, T., Jones, B., Golden, R., & Cadet, T. (2022) Re-envisioning social work education to prepare leaders in integrating health and social care. Health and Social Work.
*Petruzzi, L. Ewald, B., Rosenberg, W., Golden, R. & Jones, B. (2022) Exploring the efficacy of social work interventions in hospital settings: A scoping review. Social Work in Public Health. Doi:
*Phillips, C., Volker, D. & Jones, B. (2022). Storytelling through music to facilitate meaning reconstruction and address psychosocial stress in oncology Nurses. Music and Medicine.
Phillips, F., Prezio, E., Currin-McCulloch, J., & Jones, B. (2022) Wonders & Worries program evaluation: A randomized clinical trial of a psychosocial intervention for children who have a parent with cancer. Psycho-Oncology. DOI: 10.1002/pon.5943
Falk, D., Cubbin, C., Salsman, J. M., Winkfield, K. M., Foley, K. L., Noel, L., & Jones, B. (2022). Navigating financial barriers to Papanicolaou tests and mammograms for young adult women residing in rural and border areas of Texas. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology,0(0).
Currin-McCulloch, J, *Kaushik, S., Sparks, D. & Jones, B. (2022) The courage to continue: Healthcare social workers’ resilience during COVID-19. Journal of Social Work in Palliative and End of Life Care. DOI: 10.1080/15524256.2022.2070330
*Petruzzi. L., Phillips, F., Smith, B., Kvale, E., Eckhardt, S.G., & Jones, B. (2022) An exploration of financial toxicity among low-income patients with cancer in Central Texas: A mixed methods analysis. Palliative and Supportive Care.
Phillips, F., Prezio, E., Panisch, L., & Jones, B. (2021) Factors affecting outcomes following a psychosocial intervention for children when a parent has cancer. Journal of Child Life- Psychosocial Theory and Practice.
*Currin-McCulloch, J., *Kaushik, S. & Jones, B. (2021) “When will I feel normal?”: Disorienting grief reactions among young adults with advanced cancer. Cancer Nursing. DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000977
Kwak, J., Jamal, A., Jones, B., Timmerman, G., Hughes, B., & Fry, L. (2021) An interprofessional approach to advance care planning. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. DOI: 10.1177/10499091211019316
Phillips, F., Prezio, E., Milanic, M., *Currin-McCulloch, J., Henneghan, A. & Jones, B., Kvale, E., Goodgame, B. & Eckhardt, G. (2021) Patient reported outcome measures affecting quality of life in socioeconomically disadvantaged cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2021.1915441
Patterson, P., McDonald, F.E.J., Kelly-Dalgety, E., Lavorgna, B., Jones, B., Sidis, A.E., & Powell, T. (2021) Good Grief: Development and evaluation of a program for young people bereaved by familial cancer. 20 (64) BMC Palliative Care.
Wiener, L., Fry, A., Pelletier, W., Cincotta, N. & Jones, B. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on the personal and professional lives of pediatric oncology social workers. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology.
Jones, B., Phillips, F., Shanor, D., Sparks, D., *Currin-McCulloch, J., Van Diest, H., *Chen, Q., Franklin, C., Ortega, J., Corral, C. (2021) Social work leadership in a medical school: A coordinated, compassionate COVID-19 response. Journal of Social Work in Health Care.
Zerden, L.D., Cadet, T.J. Galambos, C & Jones, B. (2021) Social work’s commitment and leadership to address social determinants of health and integrate social care into health care. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. Vol. 43 No. 3, 309-323
Tierney, W., Auzenne, D., Cook, L., Jones, B., Mackert, M., Paydafar, D., *Ding, X., *Woods, J.M., & Kahlon, M. (2021) Importance of community impact as the fourth academic mission: A qualitative study. Population Health Management.
*Falk, D., Foley, K., Weaver, K.E., Jones, B., & Cubbin, C. (2020) An evaluation of breast and cervical cancer screening outcomes in an education and patient navigation program in rural and border Texas. Journal of Cancer Education. doi: 10.1007/s13187-020-01918-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33150556.
Schear, R., Eckhardt, S.G., Kvale, E., Richardson, R. & Jones, B. (2020) Cancer Life ReiMagined”: The CaLM model of whole-person cancer care. Oncology Issues, 35:4, 22-35, DOI: 10.1080/10463356.2020.1747309
*Currin-McCulloch, J., *Stanton, A., & Jones, B. (2020) Understanding breast cancer survivors’ online information-seeking behaviors in social media. Psychology and Health. DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2020.1792903
*Currin-McCulloch, J., Walsh, C., Gulbas, L., Pomeroy, B., Trevino, K. & Jones, B. (2020) Contingent hope theory: The developmental exploration of hope and identity reconciliation among young adults with advanced cancers. Palliative and Supportive Care. DOI: 10.1017/S1478951520000656
Feinstein, R., Kotara, S., Jones, B., Shanor, D. & Nemeroff, C. (2020) A health care workers’ mental health crisis line in the age of Covid-19. Journal of Depression and Anxiety. DOI: 10.1002/da.23073
*Petruzzi, L. Ewald, B., Rosenberg, W., Golden, R. & Jones, B. (2020) Exploring the efficacy of social work interventions in hospital settings: A scoping review. Social Work in Public Health.
Falk, D., Cubbin, C. & Jones, B. (2020) County-level poverty and barriers to breast and cervical cancer screening in a health education and patient navigation intervention for rural and border Texas residents. Journal of Cancer Education. doi:10.1007/s13187-020-01832-z
For a complete list of publications, please see Dean Jones' CV.
Kwak, J., Jones, B., Leff, V., Keleman, A., & Strong, J. (2023, March) Palliative care social work state of the science. Podium Presentation. 2023 Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care. Montreal, CA.
Jones, B., Dovale, J. & Snow, A. (2023, March) Interdisciplinary collaboration in mental health services: The role of the social worker. New York Academy of Medicine. Virtual.
Noel, L., Chen, Q. & Jones, B. (2022, November) Social work and community health worker partnership in healthcare settings: A systematized literature review. Presentation. Council on Social Work Education 68th Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA
Jones, B. (2022, October) Leading from the heart: Palliative care, social work and interprofessionalism. Invited Pathfinder in Palliative Care Award Recipient Presentation. 15th Annual Kathleen Foley Research Symposium and Retreat. San Diego, CA.
Nelson, K., Bires, J., Bitz, C., Jones, B., Otis-Green, S., Zebrack, B., & Kennedy, V. (2022, June) Making the case: Advocating for oncology social work services. Closing Keynote. Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC.
Jones, B. (2022, May) Leading from the heart: Palliative care, interprofessionalism, and leadership. Invited Lecture. Division of Palliative Medicine’s Women’s Council Exceptional Women Leaders Visiting Professor Lecture series, UCSF Department of Medicine. San Francisco, CA.
Jones, B. (2022, May) Reimagining the future of health care: Leveraging teams and value to lead with compassion. Opening Keynote. California Coalition for Compassionate Care Annual Summit. San Francisco, CA.
Rusch, R., Keefauver, L., Supiano, K., & Jones, B. (2022, April) Holding the liminal space: Balancing uncertainty and resilience. Invited opening plenary. Social Work and Hospice and Palliative Care Network 10th Annual General Assembly. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Jones, B., Johnston, C., Chen, Q., Sparks, D., & Kvale, E. (2022, April). Interprofessional palliative care education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A curriculum of telehealth team based palliative care education and simulation. Presentation. National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research, San Diego, CA.
Jones, B. (2022, March) Advancing the role of social work in health care transformation. Invited lecture. Rush University Social Work Grand Rounds. Chicago, Il (virtual)
Currin-McCulloch, J., Kaushik, S., Sparks, D. & Jones, B. (2022, January) Healthcare social workers' trifecta of distress: COVID-19, health disparity, and social justice. Presentation. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Jones, B. & Sparks, D. (2021 November) Interprofessional practice and training: Creating opportunities for social work leadership. Invited Presentation. National Association of Social Workers ReImagining Health Conference. Virtual.
Jones, B. (2021, March) Team collaboration and effectiveness. Breakout Session. 1st Virtual Transpacific EPEC-Pediatrics Palliative Care Symposium.
Jones, B. (2021, March) Communication and planning. Breakout Session 1st Virtual Transpacific EPEC-Pediatrics Palliative Care Symposium.
Jones, B. (2018, December) Adolescents and young adults with cancer: Facing loss, finding meaning, focusing on the future. Closing Keynote. 3rd Annual Global AYA Congress. Sydney, Australia.
Jones, B (2018, December) AYA survivor panel. Plenary. 3rd Annual Global AYA Congress. Sydney, Australia.
Jones, B. (2018, June) Researcher +non-profit = progress. Panel. 18th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro- Oncology. Denver, CO.
Jones, B., & Koch, K. (2018, June) Grief, strength, and self-compassion. Invited presentation.18th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro- Oncology. Family Day. Denver, CO.
Jones, B., Easing psychological distress. Faculty Member (2018, April) Swedish Symposium on Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology. Stockholm, Sweden.
Jones, B., Core Faculty (2017, December) Pediatric palliative care. Invited presentation. Salzburg Open Medical Institute Seminar in Pediatric Palliative Care. Salzburg, Austria.
Patterson, P., Kelly-Dalgety, E., McDonald, F. & Jones, B. (2017, August) The development and piloting of a 3-day program for young people who have had a family member die from cancer. Presentation. International Psychosocial Oncology Society. Berlin, Germany.
For a complete list of presentations, please see Dean Jones' CV.
2021-2023: Co-PI, American Cancer Society, Institutional Research Grant. $360,000.
2022-2023: Co-PI, Feasibility Study of the Storytelling Through Music Intervention with Bereaved Parents. UT Austin School of Nursing Center for Health Promotion (CHPR) grant. $25,000.
2020: Co-PI, Assessing Oncology Patient Communication Needs & Preferences to Improve Informed Treatment Decision-making. CHER grant. UT Center for Health Communication. $20,000.
2017-2019: Co-Program Director, Post-doctoral Training in Promoting Health Equity in Cardiovascular Disease. T32. NIH/NHLBI. $289,656.
2017-2018: Principal Investigator, COPE Study (Communicating Oncologic Prognosis with Empathy) LiveSTRONG Cancer Institute Pilot Funding. $25,000.
2017-2019: Site Principal Investigator, Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Early Integrated Telehealth versus In-Person Palliative Care for Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer. PCORI. Jennifer Temel, PI. $70,000.
2017-2018: Principal Investigator, Exploring the Experience of Latino Adolescent Young Adults with Advanced Cancer and Those Who Care for Them. Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group. $21,250.
2017-2019: Principal Investigator, Children with Special Health Care Needs Transition Curriculum Dissemination Grant. Texas Department of Health and Human Services. $273,238.
2017-2018: Core Faculty and Investigator, Patients, Practitioners and Cultures of Care. National Endowment for the Humanities- Humanities Connections Award, Stephen Sonnenberg, PI. $97,491.
2015: Principal Investigator, Communication Oncologic Prognosis with Empathy (COPE) Study. Seton Healthcare System. $14,000
2015 Principal Investigator, Wonders & Worries: Evaluation of a child centered psychosocial intervention for families who have a parent with cancer. Rice Family Foundation. Farya Phillips, PI. $13,000.
2014-2017: Principal Investigator, Children with Special Health Care Needs Transition Curriculum Development and Evaluation Project. Texas Department of Health and Human Services. $250,000.
2015 -2020: Principal Investigator, SW HEALS Grant, Council on Social Work Education and National Association of Social Workers. $110,000.
2015: Principal Investigator, Mindpower: Mindfulness for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer, Research Grant. Office of the Vice President for Research. The University of Texas at Austin. $6,000.
2014: Key Collaborator and Center Faculty, The Center for Transdisciplinary Research in Self-Management Science. University of Texas School of Nursing (PI: Kim, M) NIH/NINR P30NR015335. $2,399,900.
2013: Key Faculty, Enhancing the Advanced Nursing Education of Clinical Nurse Specialists through Integration of Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions Using Interprofessional Education. Health Services Research Administration. $1,000,000.
2012: Key Personnel, Interprofessional Education Leader, Integrated Behavioral Health Scholars Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Program. US Dept. of Health and Human Services – Health Services Research Administration M01HP25200. $480,000.
2012: Principal Investigator, Pediatric Enhancing Connections: A qualitative study evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a counseling intervention for mothers of children diagnosed with cancer, Special Research Grant, The University of Texas at Austin Office of the Vice President for Research. $750.
2012: Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Emotional Support Navigation Services. LiveSTRONG Foundation. $10,000.
2012: Co-Principal Investigator, Understanding Communication of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute. $12,500.
2012-2015: Principal Investigator, Seton Health Care Children’s Comprehensive Care: Mixed Methodology Study - Psychosocial Outcomes. $154,000.
2010-2015: Co-Investigator, R25 CA138291-01A1. Cancer Care for the Whole Patient: An Oncology Social Work Response. PI: S. Otis-Green. National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health. $1,505,000.
For a complete list of publications, please see Dean Jones' CV.
Professional Activities and Certifications
Professional Activities and Certifications
2022 - National Association of Deans and Directors Future Leaders Program
2016 - Management Development Program (MDP) Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA
2016 - Macy T3 Train-the-Trainer Faculty Development Program: Interprofessional Education Faculty Development Program for Educators. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2015 - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Mind-Body Medicine
Omega Institute. Rhinebeck, NY
2006 - NIH Summer Institute, Design and Development of Quantitative Research on Social Work Interventions in Health (Selected Participant) UNC, Chapel Hill, NC
Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
2023 - ACS Association of Oncology Social Work Quality of Life Award
2023 - Fellow, American Psychosocial Oncology Society
2022 - American Cancer Society 2022 Pathfinder Award for Palliative Care Leadership
2022 - Division of Palliative Medicine’s Women’s Council Exceptional Women Leaders Visiting Professor, University of California San Francisco
2021 - Selected Member, UT System Kenneth I. Shine Academy of Health Sciences Education (first social work faculty member selected)
2021 - Impact Fellow, The Impact Factory, Dell Medical School and LBJ School
2020 - Fellow, American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare
2020 - Dell Medical School Academy of Distinguished Educators (first social work faculty member selected)
2020 - Finalist, Ruth McCorkle Mentorship Award, American Psychosocial Oncology Society
2019 - UT Austin Health Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Fellow
2018-2020 - UT Austin Harrington Faculty Fellow Mentor
2018 - American Association of Colleges of Nursing Innovations in Professional Nursing Award for Academic Health Centers
2018 - Nominee, The One Hundred Amazing Individuals, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
2016 - The University of Texas at Austin Academy of Distinguished Teachers
2016 - Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Leadership Scholars in Social Work Education Award to attend Harvard Management Development Program
2015 - National Academies of Practice, Distinguished Scholar and Fellow
2014 University of Texas System - Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award
2014 - Texas 10 Award - Texas Alumni 10 Most Inspiring UT Professors-nominated by students
2014 - Outstanding Education and Training Award, American Psychosocial Oncology Society
2014 - Outstanding Poster Award, Social Work in Hospice and Palliative Care Annual Assembly
2014 - APOSW Recognition for Outstanding Collaboration and Contribution to Excellence in Cancer Education and Leadership, Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers
2013-2014 - Dads’ Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship Award
2014 - Semi-Finalist, LiveSTRONG Foundation Big C Competition
2013 - Social Worker of the Year, Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers
2013-2014 - American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Selected Mentor
2011 - International Palliative Care Network Poster Exhibition Award
2009 - The Social Work in Hospice and Palliative Care Network PDIA Social Work Leadership Award
2009 - Social Work Mentor (selected), College of Palliative Care, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
2008-2009 - Faculty Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin Humanities Institute
2007 - American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine CPC Scholarship Award
2007 - College of Palliative Care Scholar Award, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
2007 - Best Paper in Health Communications Award, Eastern Communication Association
2005-2006 - Faculty Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin Center for Women’s and
Gender Studies
2004-2005 - Lora Lee Pederson Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Texas at
Austin School of Social Work
2002 - Commencement Speaker, University at Albany, School of Social Welfare MSW Graduation Ceremony
For a complete list of awards and honors, please see Dean Jones' CV.