Sleep can boost your grades, energy levels, and mental health. But getting good sleep isn’t always easy. We have resources to help.

Tips for a good night’s sleep

Learn how simple changes can improve your sleep.
From healthcare providers at Behavioral Medicine.

Explore the science of sleep, a sleep tracker, and other activities
From the team at Health Promotion & Prevention.

Mental health support

Sleep Solutions Support Group
Do you struggle to fall asleep at night?  Do you wake up feeling unrested?  This group is a supportive place to discuss your sleep struggles and learn effective, research-based strategies to help you obtain better sleep and improve your wellbeing. 

Counseling & Other Mental Health Services
Connect with a counselor in Behavioral Medicine for individual support if stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns are keeping you awake.

Apps & tools

Headspace app
Sleep meditations and other audio experiences to help you fall and stay asleep. All BU students have free access to Headspace through BU Student Wellbeing.

Sleep diary
A sleep log tool to help you identify patterns that may be supporting or disrupting your sleep.

Sleep Cycle app
An app to track your sleep pattern, helping you wake up during an optimal sleep cycle.

Learn more about sleep

The four stages of sleep
Learn about the four stages of sleep that play a role in resetting and renewing our bodies for the next day.

How much sleep do I need?
Studies suggest that people aged 18+ need at least 7 hours of sleep each night.