Many men experience no signs or symptoms of prostateThe prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bla... Full Definition cancerCancer is a group of diseases where cells grow abnormally an... Full Definition, so regular visits to your doctor are important to determine whether prostate cancer testing is right for you. The most common symptoms of prostate troubles are problems with urination. If urination happens in fits and starts, if the need is urgent, if it is hard to completely empty the bladderA sac in the human body that collects urine for excretion., or if the urge to urinate wakes you up, you may have an enlarged or inflamed prostate that could be caused by prostate cancer or another prostate disorder. When prostate cancer spreads, it typically moves into lymph nodesSmall organs in the lymphatic system that filter lymph and p... Full Definition and into bones. Bone pain or bone fractures that occur without an obvious explanation could be signs of metastatic prostate cancer. If you have any of the following symptoms, call your doctor.
  • Need to urinate more often than usual.
    The prostate may be enlarged and pressing on the urethraThe duct urine (and semen for men) passes through on the way... Full Definition, triggering a sensation of a need to urinate. It’s also possible you haven’t been able to empty your bladder fully, which causes it to fill up faster and triggers a more frequent need to urinate.
  • Difficulty urinating.
    The prostate may be enlarged and pressing on the urethra, interrupting the flow of urine.
  • Weak flow of urine.
    The prostate may be enlarged and pressing on the urethra, interrupting the flow of urine.
  • Painful or burning sensation during urination.
    The prostate may be enlarged and pressing on the urethra, causing discomfort.
  • Blood in the urine or semenA white, sperm-containing, fluid produced by the male reprod... Full Definition.
    The prostate may be bleeding.
  • Erectile dysfunction (problems getting an erection) or pain during ejaculation.
    This may be a side effect related to discomfort caused by an enlarged prostate, or the nerves that control erections may be affected by cancer.
  • Persistent bone-related pain in the hip or back.
    Prostate cancer may have spread to the bones.
  • Unexplained weight loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue.
    These symptoms could all be related to prostate cancer.
  • Swelling in the legs.
    Blocked uretersThe duct urine passes through between the kidneys and bladde... Full Definition, the tubes that allow urine to flow from the kidney out of the body, can cause kidney problems that result in fluid buildup. Enlarged lymph nodes in your pelvis can block the flow of fluid from your legs back to your body and cause swelling as well.
  • Constipation.
    Your prostate may be enlarged, causing problems with bowel movements.
  • Weakness in the legs, fecal or urinary incontinence.
    A prostate tumorA lump or swelling caused by abnormal growth of cells. Not a... Full Definition may press on the spinal cord, causing inability to walk, loss of control of your bowels, and problems emptying your bladder or losing control of your bladder. This is a sign of a serious medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.