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Prostate 101
Where is the prostate? What does it do? Learn the basics about the compact gland and how disease affects it.
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The conversation beyond Shipley.
There is a large, engaged online community dedicated to prostate cancer, its treatment, and support for patients and their loved ones. We provide some recommended here.
What's new?
Evaluating New, Improved Methods for Detecting Prostate Cancer
Detection options: MRI-targeted biopsy with ultrasound versus the 12 core approach.

Experts you may meet
More options means more healthcare professionals play a role in your prostate care team today.
Urologists specialize in the urinary tract and male genitals. They are often the first doctor you meet after your general practitioner.
Medical Oncologist
Your medical oncologist is responsible for determining whether or not you need drugs to treat your cancer.
The Evolution of Care
“ Should I be tested, shouldn’t I be tested, what tests should I get and at what point? From a patient standpoint, the conundrum has always been who should be tested and how often. ”
Dr. Richard Babayan , Urologist

Terms to Know
Like most areas of medical expertise, prostate care is full of specialized terminology and acronyms. Use this glossary throughout the site for help understanding any medical term you encounter.
Browse Glossary-
Examining a tissue sample to understand the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
Cancer is a group of diseases where cells grow abnormally.
The use of low temperatures in medical therapy.
A medical professional who calculates precise doses of radiation for treatments.
Gleason Score
A system of grading and staging prostate cancer.
Stimulating the body’s own immune response to fight disease.
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland.
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
A substance produced by the prostate that increases when the prostate is irritated.
High-energy particles that cause ionization and tissue damage.
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