Biomedical Engineering, Neurophotonics Center, and NSF NRT UtB: Neurophotonics Spring Seminar – Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Please join us at noon on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, where Darcy Peterka from Columbia University will lead a seminar at:
Boston University Photonics Center
8 Saint Mary’s Street
Room 906, Boston, MA 02215
Check in will start at 11:30 am and the speaker will start at noon.
Lunch will be served.
On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, Darcy Peterka, a Senior Scientist and Director of Cellular Imaging in the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute and Director of Technologies for the NeuroTechnology Center (NTC) Kavli Institute for Brain Science at Columbia University, will lead a discussion on “SLM-based Methods for 3D Control and Imaging in the Brain”.
Darcy will discuss how recording neuronal activity throughout the brain with high temporal and spatial resolution may be a critical step in understanding how the brain works. Task-based approaches allow intelligent trade-offs between resolution, speed, and signal. He will describe projective two-photon imaging methods that leverage the spatiotemperal sparseness of neural activity and use holographic multiplexing, and statistical source separation create capable platforms for high performance imaging with single cell resolution. Similar holographic platforms can also be used to activate ensembles of neurons with single cell precision, and Darcy will describe recent efforts to improve targeting and control in awake behaving animals.
Registration is required to ensure a lunch will be ordered for you.