NSF NRT UtB: Neurophotonics Spring Seminar – Thursday, March 1, 2018
Please join us at 11:30 AM for lunch at
- Boston University Photonics Center
- 8 Saint Mary’s Street
- Room 906, Boston, MA 02215
Spencer Smith from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s Neuroscience Center, will lead a discussion on “Advancing multiphoton imaging technology for neuroscience“. This lunch seminar will be held at at the Boston University Photonics Center, 8 Saint Mary’s Street, Room 906, Boston, MA 02215 and will start at 11:30 AM. Spencer will discuss his lab’s research developing new multiphoton imaging technology to enable new neuroscience experiments. He will discuss accomplishments to date, latest unpublished work, and plans for the future of multiphoton imaging in neuroscience
Registration is required to ensure a lunch will be ordered for you.
Abstract: Much of neural circuitry is buried deep in scattering tissue, beyond the reach of single-photon approaches. Thus, multiphoton imaging (usually two-photon or three-photon) is the leading way to image neural activity with subcellular resolution deep in the brain. Early multiphoton imaging systems were simply ultrafast lasers hooked up to standard microscopes. However, standard microscopes provide high resolution imaging over only small fields of view, since many biological samples are static or minimally dynamic. However, in the living brain, moment-to-moment neuronal dynamics occur at the subsecond time scale, and across millimeter length scales. Moreover, these imaging systems need to be compatible not with slides and petri dishes, but with living and behaving animals. We are developing new multiphoton imaging technology to enable new neuroscience experiments. I will discuss our accomplishments to date, our latest unpublished work, and our plans for the future of multiphoton imaging in neuroscience.