OpenBU Takedown Policy

Boston University Libraries make every effort to ensure that we have the appropriate rights to ingest and provide access to content. In those cases where the rights are unclear (e.g., when we encounter copyright information that, relative to the work in hand, is ambiguous or contradictory), we archive but do not provide access to the work. Where possible, Boston University Libraries secure rights to use works that are in copyright. Parties who have questions or who wish to contest the use of specific works may contact the OpenBU Institutional Repository at or

Mugar Memorial Library, Boston University
771 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

With all such communications, please include:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner. NOTE: If an agent is providing the notification, also include a statement that the agent is authorized to act on behalf of the owner
  2. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the Libraries to locate the material. Providing URLs in your communication is the best way to help us locate content quickly.

Boston University Libraries will respond to any email correspondence within two business days, and one week if sent by physical mail. If we are not able to determine, within two business days by email and within one week for physical mail, that we are permitted to use the work(s) in question, the Libraries will cease providing access to the work until or unless it can determine that such uses are permitted. Boston University Libraries may work with the Boston University’s Office of the General Counsel to make determinations about appropriate use. Depending on these determinations, the Libraries may restrict access to the work(s) in question or remove them from its systems. Removing the work(s) in question will result in the Libraries ceasing to provide long-term preservation resources to the digitized content. Parties who wish to contest Boston University Libraries’ uses of specific works may, at their discretion, issue a DMCA takedown notice to the University’s DMCA compliance officer. For further information on Boston University’s DMCA compliance process, please read our DMCA Notice & Takedown Procedure.

Credit: This is a modified version of the HathiTrust Take-down Policy from the University of Michigan Library.