Lecture Series
Spring Schedule:
1/30 Dr. Kevin Hector, University of Chicago, “Lifegiving Hope: Virtue and Things that Matter”
2/20 Dr. Tal Brewer, University of Virginia,“Word by Word: Writing, Humanity, & AI”
3/5 Dr. Sarah Stewart-Kroeker, Princeton Theological Seminary, “Formation and Medicinal Psalms: Augustine’s Affective Frame”
4/4 Dr. Meghan Sullivan, University of Notre Dame, “Intellectual Samaritanism: Embracing Strange Ideas on Campus”
4/16 Dr. Olaoluwatoni Alimi, Cornell University, “What if the Truth is Bad?”
All lectures will take place at 5 pm in STH 325
Lifegiving Hope: Virtue & Things that Matter
Dr. Kevin Hector
January 30, 2024
Kevin Hector (PhD, Princeton) is an expert in theology and the author of Theology Without Metaphysics and The Theological Promise of Modernism: Faith and the Conditions of Mineness. Additionally, Hector’s research is part of a collaborative grant, “ “Collaborative Inquiries in Christian Theological Anthropology,” funded by the Templeton Foundation. The Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor of Theology and of the Philosophy of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, he writes about interpretative questions in theology and philosophy, cultural issues, and how to best understand faith commitments.