Jonathan Jay

School of Public Health
Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences

PhD/DrPH, Harvard University
JD, MA, Georgetown University
BA, Philosophy, Brown University
(617) 358-1771

Dr. Jonathan Jay studies urban health, with a concentration in youth exposure to gun violence, as an assistant professor at Boston University School of Public Health. He works at the intersection of data science and community health, focusing on relationships between the built environment and health and safety risks. He leads Shape-Up, a project using analytics to help city residents reduce firearm violence through environmental improvements (winner of the $100k Everytown for Gun Safety Prize and a 2019 Solver with MIT Solve). He is also a KL2 early career scholar of the BU Clinical & Translational Sciences Initiative. Dr. Jay previously served as a research fellow for the Firearm-Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium, led by the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and for the Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital. He also consults on public health and safety with Portland (OR) Fire & Rescue.

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