Hasini Weerathunge

Graduate Student Fellow (2020)
Biomedical Engineering, ENG

B.S., Engineering, University of Moratuwa

Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering

Hasini Weerathunge is a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering at Boston University. Her research interests include brain-computer interfaces and neuro-engineering applications that enhance the human quality of life. As a graduate student in Dr. Cara Stepp’s Sensorimotor Rehabilitation Engineering lab, her research focuses on utilizing auditory & somatosensory motor perturbations of voice and speech to develop neurocomputational models of speech motor control for motor speech disorders. Hasini received her B.S. in Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka where she majored in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering. Her undergraduate research was focused on objective hearing screening of newborns via automated auditory brain stem responses

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