

BU-wide site license provided by ENG.
On Linux, with the NetApp drives mounted, just follow the Abacus instructions for the Grid. To check license availability:

lmstat -a -c

Acrobat Pro

We support 2 options. You can purchase Acrobat Pro through BU Departmental sales for $80. This locally installed license works anywhere and is good for laptops that are disconnected from the BU’s network. Your departmental purchaser can order the license for you. ENGIT has the media if you don’t want to purchase your own disks. Just arrange a time with us to install the software.

For administrative offices and faculty, we offer Acrobat Pro on our Citrix server. These are shared licenses, and users must be added to the ENG-Citrix-Adobe-Users group to access Acrobat Pro. At this time we can’t provide Acrobat Pro for others, such as research labs. You can install the Citrix client for free.

Other Adobe products can also be purchased via BU Departmental sales.


  • (alias to on port 1800
  • Number of seat licenses is 3
  • The license owner is Prof. Martin Herbordt


  • (alias to on port 9780
  • There should be 100 seats for ENG
  • There 5 more older licenses owned by ECE
  • The port used to be 21001


  • ANSYS purchased Anosoft, so while some products are called ANSYS, they still run off Ansoft Licenses and License Managers. For instance HFSS with 25 seats runs off the Ansoft LM. The ANSYS license manager is on eng-license and the Ansoft license manager is on eng-license2.
  • ME purchased a 2007 version on ANSYS. The license manager is hosted eng-license1 port 1055. If this is installed on a laptop you will need to be connected to the University network via VPN. If you have problems contact David Campbell (; 617-353-3952 Room 203; 110 Cummington Mall).

  • ECE purchased ANSYS HFSS for microwave antenna design (grad. course). The license is hosted on eng-license2, and the faculty contact is Ron Knepper.


License requests should go to port 5280 on CadenceLM is an alias for

Type cadence-license-info to test licenses on the grid or other Engineering managed systems There are 300 seats in the license.

Our Cadence rep is: Cheryl Mendenhall [ ]

Cadence lets us name up to three contacts as follows:

  • Licensing Professor: Tali Moreshet
  • Primary Technical Liaison: James Goebel
  • Secondary Technical Liaison: David Fortin


The license manager serves a large number of teaching licenses and a small number of research licenses. Please be sure to use the correct one. If you wish to use the research licenses, you may need to buy-in in order to contribute additional licenses to our pool. Our license covers BU-purchased computers only.

HSC Chemistry

We have media to this software on the support share, with the site license number 000013281. Checking if it’s current, if not anyone wants to use it, they must provide a license themselves.

CPLEX Optimization Studio from IBM

CPLEX is an algorithm that many packages implement. ECE uses CPLEX Optimization Studio which is free for Academic use from the IBM Academic Initiative.

There are multiple versions installed in: /ad/eng/opt/cplex_studio/

We also have Windows, Mac, and Linux installers in N:\software\installers\IBM ILOG CLPEX

Getting started manual for CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.6


The College has a ‘Creo University Plus Teaching and Non-Teaching License – Campus’.

CREO license allows for installs on Faculty/Students personal machine(s)

CREO is also available on Citrix

Installing CREO on your computer

  1. Mount the following network folder: \\\support\software\windows\i386\PTC\CREO
  2. From the CREO folder, navigate to the newest version’s folder and run setup.exe
  3. When it launches, choose Install or Add new software.
  4. For the licensing information, add: 7788@eng-license1 to the “License Summary” area at the bottom (NOT the “License” field at the top)
  5. CREO should now work. Start by opening “CREO Parametric”.

FileMaker Pro

See FileMakerPro.


Installing GibbsCAM on your computer (PC Only)

  1. Mount the following network folder: \\\courses\support\GibbsCAM
  2. Run the latest executable installer from this location (use all default selections in the install wizard).
  3. Copy the ‘license.cml’ file to the following path (substituting in the last 2 digits of the current year):
    (For example, the 2022 version would be: C:\ProgramData\CAMBRIO\GibbsCAM\LicenseData\220.0-EDU\)
  4. Connect to a BU network (aka using the BU VPN if off-campus) in order to run the program.
  5. GibbsCAM should now work; you will need to check out a floating license on the initial popup to access the software.


We have a yearly-renewable network site license for academic (both research and educational) use. For grid use, run module load gurobi to load all settings including the license file. For standalone installs, use this for gurobi.lic:

The current license is good through March 25th, 2017.


Camera software for Peter Zink in EPIC. Installed here: \\\support\software\windows\i386\iNspect(BOA)\setup.exe Must install using local admin account, as it cannot connect to network drive. Once Installed, augment Firewall to ALLOW: BOA Discover BOA Cameras Display BOA Cameras

Open Discover BOA Cameras from Start Menu, ensure it’s on the correct IP Address ( and connect using IE Only.

Click iNspect Express Tab, and Install when prompted to install the following add-on: ‘Teledyne DALSA Vision Appliances’ from ‘Teledyne DALSA Industrial Products Inc.’

Intel Compiler Suite

The license manager serves a large number of teaching licenses and a small number of research licenses. Please be sure to use the correct one, or just use the free GCC compiler collection. If you wish to make heavy use of the research licenses, you may need to buy-in in order to contribute additional licenses to our pool. See IntelCompiler


ECE acquired 80 licenses for JetBrains Product exclusively for Academic Use

License Server:

From eng-license3 you can start or stop the JetBrains License server with:

/JetBrains_LicenseServer/bin/ start
/JetBrains_LicenseServer/bin/ stop

To manage the Licenses Server Navigate to the Following URL from Firefox

license server ID: 91eo4pmw6k

Admin account listed in LastPass (ENGIT STAFF ONLY)


LabVIEW is under a site license shared between ENG and CAS. The National Instruments license manager service runs locally on each computer and manages installed LabVIEW packages. See also IS&T’s LabVIEW page (which may sound like a different license, but it is actually the ENG/CAS shared site license) and our list of available packages in the 2011 distribution.

We can also request versions for Linux and Mac.

BYOD LabView option for classes

NI LabVIEW Student Edition is equivalent to the full version of LabVIEW system design software with a student watermark on the front panel and block diagram. 6 month license

Registration and Serial Number

Register your copy of LabView through Labview’s own registration tool, using our serial number:

LabVIEW Student Install: M61X31637


Step-by-step instructions on how to run Lumerical, including parallel FDTD jobs with MPI, are here.

The Lumerical licenses are FlexNet floating licenses, authenticated by username. When a new lab member needs to be able to access Lumerical for a particular lab’s license, they need to contact ENG-IT to be manually added to their group’s access list on the license server. Note that on whatever computer you are using to access Lumerical, you must be logging in on that computer with your Kerberos username, not any other username.

When setting up FlexNet licensing in your account, in the license server configuration menu (from the GUI or by manually running fdtd-config-license), choose server and the default port. “Configure redundant servers” should not be checked.

lumerical.png To check the status of all license usage, ssh to and run  lumerical-license-info 

If you wish to use Lumerical and are affiliated with one of those labs, ask the lab PI to send an email to requesting that your Kerberos username be added for your lab group name. If you are not affiliated with Lumerical, email to request a quote for a license. In 2015, the group academic discount price was $1200 for one seat of the combined FDTD package (one design license and one engine).


Available on Citrix (Mathcad Prime 3.1)

License Server:

Port: 7788

Desktop installer: \\ad\eng\support\software\windows\i386\PTC\mathcad

The BME department has a license for Mathcad 2001i currently in use in Compsim.


BU Offers installation media for Mathematica for download from the IS&T website for use by students, staff, and faculty. These require the user to request a license number and “password” (license key) from Wolfram directly. Both numbers will be unique to the particular copy in use. BU also has a site-license for Mathematica, with a shared license number and passwords. The license number is for all copies in use under this license, but the passwords vary by version and platform, and expire annually in late September. They must be updated regularly from IS&T’s Mathematica people (once each year in August/September). IS&T also provides free student licenses for download as well, separate from any of these. (Finally, Mathematica is already installed on the network for use in Linux.)

The install media we have is intended for use with the site-wide license for use in ENG labs and offices. Mathematica installations for other purposes should go through IS&T, getting media from them and license info from Wolfram itself. General Mathemetica support questions can go to . The license passwords are sent to those on mathematica-list each year, as well.

  • See here for current passcodes for the site-license.


New BU Site-wide Licensing Program

Boston University recently adopted the MathWorks Total Academic Headcount (TAH) site-wide license program giving BU students, faculty, staff, BU labs, and computing clusters unlimited access to software and licenses for MATLAB, Simulink, and 48 add-on products at no additional cost:

IS&T’s MATLAB licensing page.

For Older versions of Matlab, they are available on the following directory:

\\ad\eng\support\software\windows\i386\The mathworks\matlab

Please use appropriate MATLAB version directory and use the instructions and key in the “BU Files” subdirectory.

Mentor Graphics

The license manager run on 3 redundant Linux servers (see below). You should use the following environmental variable to point to the license manager in Windows, and substitute colons for semi-colons in Linux.;;

Microsoft Imagine (DreamSpark)

If you’re a student, faculty, or staff member of the College of Engineer you can get Visual Studio, Visio, Project and other Microsoft tools for Academic use only via the Imagine program, formerly known as DreamSpark. Just sign in with your BU ID and password.

Go directly with or

"let your staff, faculty, and students use the software only (a) to develop, support, conduct, or take courses, labs, or programs you offer; (b) in non-commercial research on your behalf; or (c) to design, develop, test, and demonstrate software programs for the above purposes"

Several Microsoft tools are also available via:

Also some limited versions of Visual Studio are free and there are 90-day evaluations on full versions.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office falls under the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for BU, providing a site-license for faculty and staff computers.

If you are installing Office 2013,use these product keys:

Office 2013 Professional Plus

If you are installing Office 2016, use these product keys:

Office Professional Plus 2016

If MS Office 2013 is installed, but requires activation you can do the following:

How to activate Office 2013 against KMS without joining AD

Here are some simple instructions that should activate Office:

  • Connect to the BU network with through an Ethernet cable or the VPN
  • Browse into \\ad\eng\support\self-serve (start- run: \\ad\eng\support\self-serve).

  • Copy the extension you need to your local drive or desktop.
    • Extensions: Activate_Office2016.bat, Activate_Office2013.bat or Activate_Office2010.bat as appropriate.

  • Right-click on the icon, and run as administrator.

If that fails try: Start->All Programs->accessories Right click Command Prompt and run as administrator

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\
cscript "OSPP.VBS" /osppsvcrestart
cscript "OSPP.VBS" /
cscript "OSPP.VBS" /act
  • You may not need to run /osppsvcrestart on Win 8 and can skip to the next step if it complains that the Office Software Protection Platform isn’t installed.

Microsoft Windows

If you’re on campus you can use BU’s Key Management Services (KMS)

New Installation Product Keys

If you’re installing Windows from Media you can use these KMS Client Setup Keys, and your OS will activate via BU’s Key Management Service (KMS).

Deploying KMS Activation

TechNet: Deploying KMS Activation

Existing Installation

If Windows is already installed and needs activation, you can direct it to the Key Management Services as follows: Start a command prompt as Administrator (i.e. Start>Accessories>[right-click]Command Prompt, and select ‘Run As Administrator’).

BU has 2 KMS servers: and If you are binding to the domain these aren’t needed. If isn’t bound you can add to the Domain Suffix (in the same menu where you bind just select the more, it will activate).

Historically, we’ve also used

At the prompt type:

  • slmgr /skms
    slmgr /ato


  • slmgr /skms
    slmgr /ato


  • slmgr /skms
    slmgr /ato

If for some reason you don’t have DNS

  • slmgr /skms
    slmgr /ato

If you’re activating Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (or any other LTSB version):

  • cscript.exe slmgr.vbs /skms
    slmgr /ato

Updating from Windows 10 Home to Pro

If you’ve received a computer with Windows 10 Home pre-installed, but need to add to the domain, you will need the Pro version.

Go to System- Change Product Key, and enter the Windows 10 Pro Default Key:


From here, run the activation scripts below to activate and deploy off of KMS.

If this does not allow you to upgrade from Home to Pro, you may have to reinstall the OS completely with a fresh Windows 10 Pro ISO, deleting and formatting all the preexisting partitions.


An OriginLab floating license manager is owned by the college with 10 seats to be shared amongst anyone in the College using a BU owned lab machine. More seats can be added as demand increases. Email for installs.

Power World

BU has a Power World site license. Please contact ENGIT for assistance.


ENG has a site license (500 seats) for Pro/E (sold by PTC). Fraunhofer gets a dedicated license of 20 of these seats (ENG covers this). This license renews every January. The license sits on, port number 7788. Please note that PTC CREO 2.0 is the latest version. See info on CREO above.


Riverbed Modeler (Formerly owned by Opnet) The license manager runs on (a CNAME for on port_a (UDP/IP port_a is. 2047, port_b is 2123, and port_c is 2345). It is a class-locked license, serving to anything on the 128.X.X.X Class A. Because it is class-locked, it must be run from a public 128-class IP, like eng-license3, and not a private 10-class IP, like the other eng-license servers.

The Windows installers are in:


For Linux the installers for Modeler, Models, and Docs are in:


In the instruction labs OPNET is located in /ad/eng/opt/opnet. Do not use the path /ad/eng/support/software/linux/all/all/. It’s deprecated.

You can add and update the licenses by running modeler and starting the license Manager — in the menu under License. If the licenses have expired modeler will prompt you. I (Jamie) have an account you can use to express install with — mucho más rápido. Our OPNET Group ID is 96415.


Location: Installed in PHO701 & Altug lab

Contact: Professors Roberto Paiella and Hatice Altug

All of our RSoft licenses are associated with 6 license dongles, according to an audit in January 2012 and information confirmed by Carl Klinges < > at RSoft:

PHO701: 16844109 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE single user 16843326 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE single user  1 missing: 16847862 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE single user 16847863 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE single user Restricted floating 16848193 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE single user Restricted floating  Altug: 16846294 - BeamPROP, FullWAVE 3 node cluster, BandSOLVE  Old: 16845745 - lost and Replaced with 16848193 16843039 - Supposed RSoft loaner (No BU confirmation)

The 3-node cluster dongle was purchased by Hatice Altug to support her cluster which is no longer in use. Individuals within her lab have been using it on their local workstations. The other dongles are primarily for use in PHO701 and have 1 license apiece. 3 are for research, and two are marked “restricted” — for teaching use only. This is important whenever a researcher needs to call RSoft for technical assistance — use the research keys.

More info and the license files (associated to the dongles) are located in: \\\Support\software\windows\i386\RSoft


Our SigmaPlot license covers only the BME Teaching Lab.


ECE purchased a site license for SigView, a real-time and offline spectral analysis software with data acquisition support, statistics functions, and a comprehensive visualization system. Runs on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. The installer is located in:


Contact for registration information.


Education & Research Editions

The College of Engineering provides the Educational and Research Editions of SolidWorks to its members and affiliates.

  • The Research & Education Editions can only be installed on BU-owned machines. See the Student Engineering Kit (SEK) section below for installation on personal computers for courses use.
  • Licenses are centrally managed from ENG servers. We have a large number of teaching licenses, but only a small number of research licenses.
  • SolidWorks Education Version includes: SolidWorks Premium, SolidWorks Composer, SolidWorks Visualize, PhotoView 360, SolidWorks Toolbox, SolidWorks Simulation (FEA), SolidWorks Flow Simulation (CFD), SolidWorks Motion, SolidWorks Sustainability, SolidWorks Plastics, SolidWorks Costing & more!
  • Engineering students may access the Education Edition of SolidWorks through Citrix and in our computing labs. The Research Edition is also available via Citrix, and can be installed on lab systems upon request.
  • There is no expiration date for Educational Edition classroom licenses.

Supported OSes:

  • Windows 10,  Windows 11, Windows Server 2016/2019
  • It does not work on LTSB/LTSC Versions of Windows 10
  • System Requirements

Student Engineering Kit (SEK)

Students in specific courses (below) or in a Tinker SolidWorks Workshop, can download and install SolidWorks Student Engineering Kit (SEK) on their personal machines through the SolidWorks’ Student Access Program. Upon installation, SolidWorks SEK is licensed for one year.

Instructions for downloading, installing, and licensing are contained in 2 documents at the following network folder location. Students must mount the courses drive to access this folder:


Once mounted, please read the instructions in the file:


When prompted, enter the serial number located in the .txt file:


Warning: DO NOT install the Electrical components, as this will cause an error. You will need to manually uncheck this option from the ‘Products’ section.

Courses with access to SolidWorks SEK:

    • BE 428
    • BE 465
    • BE 466
    • BE 523
    • BE 695
    • EC 463
    • EC 464
    • EC 467
    • EK 156
    • EK 210
    • EK 691
    • EK 720
    • ME 303
    • ME 304
    • ME 305
    • ME 311
    • ME 312
    • ME 357
    • ME 358
    • ME 359
    • ME 360
    • ME 407
    • ME 408
    • ME 410
    • ME 414
    • ME 460
    • ME 461
    • ME 501
    • ME 526
    • ME 557
    • ME 560
    • ME 690
    • ME 691
    • ME 692
    • ME 740
    • ME 925
    • ME 954

Synopsys & Synplify

Synplify is now part of Synopsys and the license is served on (port 27000).

SynopsysLM is a DNS alias for


Managing & Loading Synopsys


You can check for available Synopsys product licenses by checking for available modules with the following linux command on a BU joined system (for how to do so on SCC, see SCC for Engineering Students):

$ module avail

for example, load synopsysy T-2022.03 license:

$ module load synopsys/T-2022.03


You can add the tools to your environment by sourcing the file located in /opt/synopsys

source /ad/eng/opt/synopsys/

The following package are currently installed:

astro, cosmosscope, hspice, pathmill, mw, ns, syn, sold


ECE purchased VASP 4.6 for educational use. It runs on Enrico Bellotti’s cluster.

ECE’s license for version 4.4 was transferred to Scott Dunham at U. Washington


ENG has a license for faculty, staff, and student use of VMware products under the OnTheHub site Boston University – College of Engineering.

Students working as a TF or TS get staff access.


The license manager run on on port 2100, also a DNS alias for

According to the license agreement (see below), the software can be run on student computers in a geographic location specified as Boston University and allows for remote access if done within a 5 mile radius.


Photonics has a copy of Zemax that is updated each year for general use by all Photonics faculty, students and researchers. It’s accessible via Citrix, but you must apply for access with Engineering IT <>.