Call for Papers: 2017 Rosenstein-Rodan Essay Prize

The Institute for Economic Development of the Department of Economics is pleased to announce the Call for 2017 Rosenstein-Rodan Essay submissions in memory of Professor Paul Rosenstein-Rodan.  A prize of $1500 will be awarded to the best research paper in development economics submitted by a graduate student at Boston University.

Eligibility: Any currently enrolled Boston University PhD student who has not been in the graduate program for more than five years may submit. Joint papers by students are eligible, with the prize shared equally; joint papers with faculty or post-doctoral fellows are not eligible. [1] Past winners are NOT eligible.

Subject matter: Theoretical, empirical or experimental contributions in development economics or in a related field, including but not limited to international economics, growth, political economy, organizational economics, migration, emerging markets, economic geography, network economics, economic history, urban economics or economics of the family are all welcome.

Selection:  Submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of faculty members affiliated with the Institute for Economic Development.

Submission Instructions:  The paper, not to exceed 40 pages in length, should present original, analytic research.  The student’s advisor should communicate, in confidence to the committee, a short (approximately 150 word) endorsement and summary of the paper, highlighting its contribution. Papers and endorsements must be submitted by 5pm on Monday, May 22, 2017 in electronic .pdf format to this website: Queries may be addressed to IED ( Winner will be announced Mid-June.

[1] Published or forthcoming papers are eligible provided they are researched and written while the student is at BU. A statement to that effect, corroborated by the advisor in the endorsement or by separate e-mail, should be included with the submission in that case.

For a list of past prize winners, please click here.