Worst-Case Economics: Extreme Events in Climate and Finance
By Frank Ackerman Anthem Press, 2017 208 pages, hardcover: $48.99 Order from Amazon
By Frank Ackerman Anthem Press, 2017 208 pages, hardcover: $48.99 Order from Amazon
By Frank Ackerman and Elizabeth A. Stanton February 2013
By Frank Ackerman Zed Books, 2009 (distributed in the U.S. by Palgrave Macmillan) 160 pages, paperback: $20.95 Order from Palgrave Macmillan or Amazon “A progressive economist well-versed in the literature of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientists and scientific groups fearful of climate change impacts, Ackerman offers up a practical and useful response to […]
By Frank Ackerman Island Press, 2008; 352 pages, Hardcover, $50.00; Paperback: $25.00 Order from Island Press Order from Amazon “Cost-benefit analysis” is a term that is used so frequently we rarely stop to think about it. But relying on it can lead to some dubious conclusions, as Frank Ackerman points out in this eye-opening book. Inventing dollar […]
By Lisa Heinzerling and Frank Ackerman Harvard Law and Policy Review volume 1, no. 2, pp.331-362. Both law and economics offer frameworks for understanding public policy – and both require changes in order to respond effectively to the challenge of climate change. Contrary to implicit conservative assumptions, maintaining the status quo is not an option; “business […]
By Elizabeth A.Stanton and Frank Ackerman report commissioned by Environmental Defense, November 2007. The report is the first detailed analysis on the potential consequences of continued climate change for the state’s economy. The report concludes that, if left unchecked, climate change will significantly harm Florida’s economy in the next several decades, and that impacts on just three […]
By Frank Ackerman International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, volume 13 no. 4, (Oct-Dec 2007), pp.441-449.
By Frank Ackerman, Masanobu Ishikawa, and Mikio Suga Energy Policy, volume 35 no. 9, September 2007, pp.4455-4462. Visit Energy Policy online How much carbon is “embodied” in world trade? If one country imports carbon-intensive products from another, should the production emissions be attributed to the consuming nation rather than the producer? A growing empirical research literature addresses […]
by Frank Ackerman report to Friends of the Earth-UK, July 2007.
By Frank Ackerman and Liz Stanton report released with Friends of the Earth UK, October 2006.