The research process for the Martin Luther King, Jr. collection at the Gotlieb Center begins with the electronic finding aid. The King finding aid makes the catalogue of Martin Luther King, Jr. collection available and searchable online. Please consult the finding aid and search the collection to see what is represented in the collection.
If you want to view the material in person, you will have to send in a written query. We have a variety of tools on this website that you will find useful in refining your reference request, but at the point when you are ready to make an inquiry, we ask that you do so in writing. We have a tremendous number of requests that come in daily, and having your request in writing with all of the details of your project and your contact information helps to facilitate our response. The Gotlieb Center provides reference services but does not provide research services.
In order to send a query to the Center from this website, please follow this link to the Reference Query Page. If you are returning forms for approval, or wish to contact us via post or fax, the contact information is as follows:
Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center
Boston University
ATTN: Public
771 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
FAX: 617-353-2838
Photocopies and Scans
The archival staff of the Gotlieb Center will review all requests for duplication of any material. The staff will consider requests for duplication of material in adherence with the Gotlieb Center's policies on duplication and in adherence with the Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code (specifically § 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use).
With written permission from the collectee or their literary executor, we may be able to make photocopies or scans of material and send the copies to you. We have strict limits on the number of copies we will make for your project, and you should consult the Photocopy Policy for details. You will still be required to fill out the Application for the use of Manuscript Collections and other appropriate forms. You will be responsible for paying all charges and fees in advance, before receiving your copies. Inquiries regarding the use or reproduction of Dr. King's writings or statements should be directed to the manager of the Estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Intellectual Properties Management, One Freedom Plaza, 449 Auburn Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30312-1503, Tel: 404-814-0080, Fax: 404-526-8969.
Proxy Researchers
If you are unable to visit the Center in person, you may employ a proxy researcher. However, both you and the proxy researcher must complete the Application for the use of Manuscript Collections form in order to access the collection. Please follow this link to the Boston University "Quickie Job" website to post a research position if you would like to hire a Boston University student to conduct your proxy research.