Professor – Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr. Tractenberg is a Professor at Boston University’s College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). He received his PhD in Computer Science (2000) and M.S. in Computer Science (1996) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), and his S.B. in Mathematics with Computer Science (1994) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dr. Trachtenberg has been involved with Ben Gurion University (Distinguished Scientist Visitor, 2016), TripAdvisor (2016), MIT Lincoln Lab (2015), and the Technion (Visiting Professor, 2014).  He received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2013, 2003), a National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2002) and the UIUC Kuck Outstanding Thesis Award (2000).

Visit Ari Trachtenberg’s personal web page and ENG-ECE Faculty page for more information on his research interests.

Research interests:

  • Cybersecurity (smartphones, offensive and defensive)
  • Networking (security, sensors, localization)
  • Algorithms (data synchronization, file edits, file sharing)
  • Error-correcting codes (rateless coding, feedback)

Courses taught:

EK131/132:  Hacking
EC327 Introduction to Software Engineering
EC330 Applied Algorithms for Engineers
EC504 Advanced Data Structures
EC521 – Cybersecurity
EC700 Advanced Special Topics
EC727 Advanced Coding Theory