Contact the Professor:
Andy Kurtz
Description: Nutrient distribution and physical oceanography of Stellwagen Bank and adjacent waters. Bathymetric influences and effects of ocean currents of biogeochemical parameters. Includes day-long cruises on NOAA research vessel.
Syllabus: EE_557_Syllabus
Additional Considerations:
- Personal gear: Students need to have rain gear (waterproof jacket and pants) for field trips, and some warm layers, fleece, hat etc. Also need solid closed toe shoes. Hiking boots are perfect.
- Lunch: Students need to bring brown bag lunches for field days.
- Schedule: On days in the field (probably max of 4 for the block) students will leave campus by van early (before 6am) and get back in the early evening. There will be times when students are expected to stay late or come in over the weekend to process samples collected on field trips. Field trips are very weather dependent. We don’t go if it’s stormy or too windy, but we will go in light rain and cold temps.
- Physical requirements: A couple of long days on a 50’ boat with a potential for seasickness. Students are required to do an abandon ship drill on the first day, jumping off the boat while wearing a survival suit.