• Sandro Galea

    Sandro Galea is the Robert A. Knox Professor and dean of the BU School of Public Health. He can be reached at sgalea@bu.edu. Follow him on Twitter: @sandrogalea. Profile

  • Lisa Sullivan

    Lisa Sullivan is SPH associate dean for education and a professor of biostatistics; she can be reached at lsull@bu.edu. Profile

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There is 1 comment on POV: What BU’s School of Public Health Learned after Dropping GRE Requirement

  1. If I understand correctly, this article assumes that if dropping the GRE requirement results in improved DEI outcomes and better outcomes for first Gen students in SPH, then it there is a reasonable expectation that it will do the same in, say, the CoE. I do not see why this should be the case.

    In fact, I’d expect that the improved DEI and first gen outcomes associated with dropping the GRE would not be seen uniformly across various departments in CAS. In any case, it seems like we need a lot more data to make such conclusions.

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