• David Jernigan

    David Jernigan is a BU School of Public Health professor of health law, policy, and management; he can be reached at dhjern@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 3 comments on POV: Will Bringing Back “Happy Hours” Make Us Happy?

  1. So the case has been made that happy hours in Massachusetts lead to an increase in drunk driving, assaults, rape, homicides, death and disability. As the parent of three grown children, I feel that what seems to be missing is any analysis of our discussions about the consumption of alcohol, the training of bar tenders, and the role of (in)effective public transit systems. As an engineer, I feel it would be useful to compare the Massachusetts data with other countries where people are less reliant on driving and young people are more involved in discussions of alcohol consumption and abuse.

  2. Stop pushing alcohol as a way to meet people. A one hour quick meal (ie buffet, pizza, enchiladas) etc would be a lot better and cost the same as alcohol (though the profit manager is much less) and promote real conversation

  3. The study you cited in your claim about college students being more likely to drink in response to happy hour was performed in a way that shows a correlation between the two but not necessarily a causal relationship. Additionally, a lot of data to support your article is from over 15 years ago. Although I agree that happy hours contribute to an overall heavier drinking culture, I don’t think the evidence in your article is strong enough to support not implementing happy hour because it disregards all the economic benefits for businesses. If one is going to suggest not bringing back happy hours and looking for an alternative to help struggling businesses, then it is only fair to suggest tangible solutions that could possibly be of help. While I agree with the benefits of sobriety and decreased drinking, I don’t necessarily agree with the government stepping in and not allowing businesses to have happy hours.

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