• George Annas

    George Annas is a William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor, an SPH professor of health law, ethics, and human rights, a School of Law professor, and a MED professor; he can be reached at annasgj@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 11 comments on POV: Should the Unvaccinated Be Eligible for a Heart Transplant?

  1. Is Bennett’s heart transplant completely successful? Initially when I heard about the Pig heart being transplanted into a human, it was kind of surprising, but the transplant is considered successful only after determining that there aren’t any adverse affects after the surgery is done. https://bit.ly/3gfmRFl

  2. Imagine if the heart that Ferguson might have received went to someone who suffered ill health effects and died from a blood clot due to taking the J and J vaccine – the irony! Condoning taking a man off the donor list because he chooses to have medical autonomy is sick. Should we take all the obese people off donor lists. Certainly being obese is also a high risk factor for covid complications just as being unvaccinated. I’m not anti- vaccination but articles like this justifying something wrong make me see why millions of Americans are!

  3. I surprised at the rather simplistic treatment of the Ferguson case. There are many complicating aspects to this story, for example:

    * The quote reference from the Mass General website (https://www.brighamandwomens.org/about-bwh/newsroom/transplant-candidate-vaccination) does not have any records in the Internet Archive before January 26, supporting the family’s claim of a late and punitive requirement.

    * The parents claimed (in a funding appeal – https://givesendgo.com/G2GFG) that Ferguson has a history of atrial fibrillation, and that doctors could not assure him that that this condition could interact (possibly fatally) with the required vaccination.

    * To the best of my knowledge, there is no experimental data for COVID vaccines on transplant patients, and the vaccination decision is thus a subjective decision of the hospital administration.

    I think it is improper to provide strong ethical advice about a real case without fully considering all parameters of an issue.

  4. Imagine being denied a heart transplant for refusing a vaccine that does not prevent infection nor transmission of a disease. Oh btw, the vaccine also caries a significant increased risk of heart troubles for young males, the same demographic being denied an organ in this case. Boston has become an utterly brain-dead society, where Karens are too afraid to pass someone on the street without a cloth diaper. This place is ground zero of the Mass Formation Psychosis.

  5. Regarding pig heart transplant, there is no mention of the ethics of raising genetically modified animals only to kill them to harvest their organs. Pigs are social and emotional beings and some studies find them to be smarter than dogs and even toddlers! It is wrong to breed animals and kill them for their organs

  6. Why, in the name of humanity, are we even asking this question?!?!

    First it was abortion.
    Now it’s denying medical care to people who don’t share the approved views.
    Will the next phase be eliminating the certain categories of people altogether?

    I find the question and its implications very unsettling in a civilized society. Our society is technologically advanced, yes; but civilized? I’m having my doubts.

  7. “Second, is it ever ethical to hold a metaphorical gun to the head of a transplant candidate and tell them, you are not eligible for a human heart, but we can give you a modified pig heart, and that’s your only chance of survival?”

    How is it any different than making a transplant candidate choose between a heart or an experimental vaccination that does not have long term studies with transplant patients?? It is literally putting a metaphorical gun to their head. And like someone else said, it does not prevent infection or transmission, this should be a choice for each individual.

    It makes me sad that we live in a society where this is even a question.

  8. Let me also add that the blood shortage in the US is still going on and while blood from those vaccinated or unvaccinated is requested, in too many hospitals only those who are vaccinated will be eligible to receive that blood for their life saving procedures. This is America.

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