• Azer Bestavros

    Azer Bestavros is the inaugural Associate Provost for Computing & Data Sciences. A William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor and a College of Arts & Sciences professor of computer science, he was the founding director of BU’s Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering. Profile

  • Cydney Scott


    cydney scott

    Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Positioned to Lead in a 21st-Century Data-Driven World

  1. The school of data science is simply too elitist. This is the field that excludes trans and people of color. BU should invest more into social science research rather than some elitist field that excludes the other. I also suggest the new building be inclusive to a diverse community that should be reflected through its interior design, but it is not.

  2. This educational approach is fascinating. I spent 10 years teaching engineers how to use the Weibull tool to analyze the expected life of a product component. The engineers (Caterpillar Inc. product support employees) used the tool to analyze actual component life vs target B10 life. The “soft skills” I developed were essential in the teaching process. It took me time to learn how to help the students relate the tool to their specific situation. It was facinating for me.

    I wish you well with your endeavor. The link between data collection, analysis, and human behavior is incredibly fascinating to reveal.

    Tom Dougherty
    Retired Software Developer and Teacher.. Caterpillar Inc.

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