• Andrea L. Taylor (COM’68)

    Andrea L. Taylor (COM’68) is Boston University’s first senior diversity officer, appointed by President Robert A. Brown in 2020. She is a former longtime BU Board of Trustees member and former president and CEO of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. She can be reached at tayloran@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 5 comments on POV: The Selection of Kamala Harris for VP Marks “the End of a Void”

  1. How embarrassing. At least Biden made it easy for the left to show it’s hypocrisy. Watching Democrats endorse Harris and Biden is comical given how just a few months ago, Harris was accusing Biden of being a rapist. I guess we only believe the survivors when it negatively effects our political opponents.

    Harris was a backwards and REGRESSIVE DA in California. If you believed that because she is African American that she must be a Messiah for criminal justice reform, think again. Her and Biden have horrific records, Biden specifically when he proudly wrote and passed the Crime bill. Harris, when she denied DNA tests that would free innocent men of color on death row. Or how about when she went after single mothers (mostly of color) who’s kids were ditching school? Anyone from the Bay Area should know she does not have a political record to fall back on.

    I get the hate towards Trump and I understand the sentiment of anyone but. However, do not lie to yourself. Do not pretend that this is what you wanted. These two do not represent democratic values. You are not taking the moral high ground anymore voting for these two over Trump. Biden is no longer mentally fit for office, he cannot finish a speech without a script. Harris could have never became president by running against Trump, so the DNC, like they did in 2016, forced candidates that their constituency didn’t even like. She was utterly destroyed during the debates by simply mentioning a small piece of her crooked history. People who care about real change and social justice absolutely know that Biden and Harris, are cogs in the machine they constantly criticize for being unfair/racist. DNC could’ve picked Tulsi Gabbard, a veteran, a strong woman of color with good moral character.

    Remember, we are in a pandemic and Joe Biden’s qualifications to be VP were: be a woman and be a color. Virtue signaling instead of getting the best people for the job. We need inclusion and better representation, but this is just a cheap trick and sad attempt to virtue signal. Vote independent until we break the two party system.

  2. Race and gender are not criteria for choosing a running mate!

    There are outstanding people of color as there are outstanding white people. There are awful people of color as there are awful white people. What could distinguish them is not their race or gender; it’s their personal qualification for the job. Sen. Harris is not qualified for the job; there were better choices, but Biden and those who decide for him boxed themselves by race and gender.

    Democrat voters rejected Harris, and she dropped out even before primaries. She then said because people are not ready for a woman of color to run the country. She already accused people of being sexist and racist.

    The first and second modern philosophers of democracy, i.e. founders of modern democracy, began their books by strongly suggesting that legislators must take people “as they are,” and think of laws “as they ought to be”; otherwise there cannot be a successful democracy. Democrats/liberals/ progressives (the new corporation since 2016) do not accept “people as they are,” they want to transform people into “what they ought to be.” They want people to think as they think regarding sex, race, climate, speech, etc.

    That’s why Democrats are not democrat anymore!

  3. What’s most fascinating about Andrea’s paean to Harris is that she herself deigns not to elucidate where the “seismic shift” that the selection of Harris is supposed to lead. She waxes lyrically about how this will encourage “incllusive and informed dialogue” but again does not explain what this dialogue is supposed to include for “innovative and sustainable solutions”. That last bit epitomises the fatuous triviality of Andrea’s piece: celebrating the most ersatz of occasions that serve no other purpose.

    It reminds me of the election of Barack Obama twelve years ago. Then, we were to rejoice in another one of Andrea’s seismic shifts. And where are we now? Has it fostered a more inclusive and informed dialogue?

  4. Those mischievous scamps BLM run around and destroy and deface all those historical American monuments to our slaveholding forefathers like Washington, Jefferson, and Grant but for some strange reason Kamala Harris never mentions this destruction of public property — maybe because her grandpa still owned nearly 178 slaves as recently as 1875 – AFTER the USA passed the 13th Amendment to Free the Slaves and the 15th Amendment to prevent denying a citizen the right to vote based on race or color. Oh – did you know that when the US Congress voted on the bills for these Amendments to the Constitution NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT voted for either bill!!!! Somehow this article overlooked mentioning any of this. Do you doubt the hypocrisy of the Democrats?

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