• Dawn Belkin Martinez

    Dawn Belkin Martinez is a School of Social Work clinical associate professor and associate dean for equity and inclusion; she can be reached at dawnbm@bu.edu. Profile

  • Linda Sprague Martinez

    Linda Sprague Martinez is an SSW associate professor; she can be reached at lsmarti@bu.edu. Profile

  • Judith C. Scott

    Judith C. Scott is an SSW assistant professor; she can be reached at jcscott@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 2 comments on POV: COVID-19 Has Unmasked an Unprecedented Housing Crisis—Here’s How to Fix It

  1. One of the factors leading to this crisis is leverage available to landlords. Both, small and large investors have heavily used leverage to purchase a limited supply of homes over the decades. This use of leverage has caused the value of homes to go up and make it unaffordable for most. The landlords, due to owing so much to banks are forced to continue to increase rents in order to make their mortgage payments, despite interest rates being low. This same phenomenon is causing investors to increasingly look towards the residential market As an investment and we see more urban properties being diverted from other uses that might create more jobs.
    A radical move to curb this inequity and Use of leverage In this inefficient way would be to disallow the tax deductibility of interest for those purchasing residential property as an investment.

  2. Fortunately, Congress, states, municipalities and the Department of Housing and Urban Development all have stepped up to issue temporary bans on eviction. That’s good news, but there are significant limits to many of these bans — and even the best of them are temporary. In many places, for instance, landlords are still filing eviction papers, even when there is a freeze on ejecting people from their homes — and not every state has imposed such a freeze. Without a stronger state and federal response, the United States appears headed toward an unprecedented housing crisis.

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