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There is 1 comment on Helping Deaf Children Learn in Coronavirus Isolation

  1. This is so wonderful ! I am a high school Teacher of the Deaf and I have been struggling to find materials that are not just worksheets to put onto my Google Classroom for my students to do. My students who are mainstreamed into the general education classes are doing well and are also bilingual-spoken English and ASL. It is my pure ASL students who I concerned with. These are the ones whom I am responsible for teaching reading and writing and math. These are the ones living in homes in which their parents do not sign and most of them are non English speakers themselves.

    I have been searching the web since this started to try and find materials to go along with my Zoom meetings, which are the only way in which I can communicate with those students aside from texting.

    Thank you so much for this article and the people who put this resource together.

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