• Kate Becker

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  • Jackie Ricciardi

    Staff photojournalist

    Portrait of Jackie Ricciardi

    Jackie Ricciardi is a staff photojournalist at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. She has worked as a staff photographer at newspapers that include the Augusta Chronicle in Augusta, Ga., and at Seacoast Media Group in Portsmouth, N.H., where she was twice named New Hampshire Press Photographer of the Year. Profile

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There are 8 comments on Putting Probiotic Supplements to the Test

  1. Last year at this time I was experiencing increasingly worse gut pain. My cousin’s daughter was brewing Kombucha, and I was given a shot-sized glass after dinner. Remarkably, the pain immediately vanished, and I’ve been drinking Kombucha ever since, with an overall improvement of food tolerances. I buy a brand with the least sugar content.

  2. Such a great article! I’ve always been of the opinion that refrigerated probiotics are the way to go. I use Florajen for digestion. I love the company’s commitment to quality and the fact that it’s made by folks like those in this article. I recommend it to all my clients complaining of stomach and digestion issues. It just works and I feel like I’m getting what the package says I’m getting. No more, No less. That’s a comforting feeling. I’m so sharing this article with some clients. Can’t wait for the follow up!

  3. I have been taking hords of probiotics for at least a year. I take them with proven prebiotics (bimuno). I do not eat any naturally fermented products at this time. I just got the fecal test results from Viome. I have LOW diversity and ZERO gut biome attributed to probiotics!!! I then found an article saying that some people are resisters and that they do not accept probiotics (and some people do). I am obviously a resister to probiotics. I would love to figure out if naturally fermented foods will work for resisters (and me).

    1. You maybe your are not producing enough FUT2 enzymes. FUT2 helps keep the good gut microbiota happy and healthy. You need the strains of probiotic that increases IL-22 which increases FUT2 enzymes. You also may need commensal fungus.

  4. Fascinating study and I’d love to hear about the results of your next experiments! It’s now 1.5 years after this article was published – is there any way I can find out about your results? Thanks! I’ve been doing a lot of home fermentation: kombucha, kefir, tempeh, sourdough, wild vegetable fermentation (e.g. sourkraut), yogurt and feel I’m doing my body well by eating those probiotic foods. However, I’m very interested to know if they are all actually beneficial or only taste good!

  5. Since I have been taking probiotics I kept getting enterococcus bladder infections. I had a feeling it was connected, and I was right! Enterococcus is in some probiotics, but it’s not listed. There are FB groups dedicated to enterococcus bladder infections. And majority of the individuals I talked to, developed enterococcus bladder infections, shortly after taking a probiotic.
    This is wrecking havoc on people’s lives. The bacteria is settling in the bladder, via oral ingestion.

    I’ve been searching for someone, ANYONE whom can test for enterococcus in probiotics. I need probiotics, but this is causing so many issues, not only for myself but others as well. Enterococcus should NOT be in probiotics. As it causes an opposite affect, and becomes pathogenic

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