• Cindy Buccini

    Editor, Bostonia Twitter Profile

    Cindy Buccini

    Cindy Buccini is editor of Bostonia, Boston University’s alumni magazine, and alumni publications. Before joining the BU staff in 2001, she was a local newspaper reporter for many years and was communications coordinator for the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in science journalism, both from BU.  Profile

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There are 4 comments on Healthful Cooking Made Easy

  1. Cool article! Sounds like a great website and app. The beet recipe looks awesome, just added it to my Christmas recipes. The link to the Trufflehead website isn’t working though, FYI. Maybe the website is down.

    1. Apologies!!! In what turned out to be very bad timing, some work was being done on the server this morning and the system was temporarily down. It is back up now.
      Deborah Chud

  2. I strongly wish BU Today would use a different spelling, such as “alumn” to abbreviate “alumna” or “alumnus” in the future. The term “alum” in this headline had me very confused: was the article about dye-making or aluminum?

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