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There are 60 comments on Drinking: 18 vs. 21

  1. I think President Brown’s concern for introducing drinking into high schools is an important one. My question, though, is why 21 (versus 20 or 22) in the first place? And why is all the discussion about lowering the drinking age focused on 18 rather than 19 (when most people are out of high school) or 20 (a less drastic reduction and opportunity to test the implications of change)?

    1. i agree because i find that the age of 21 drinking age has done a whole lot of good and yet should be upped to age 25 but that is just my oppinion.I also agree on choice of reducing the age to 19 because most 18 yearolds these days…they,honestly don’t care.i know. I have a cousion( not going to mention her name)but ever since she turned 18 she has purchesed a fake id and has been intoxicated with the useage of alcohol i personaly wish her good luck with the life that she has chosen.

      1. have you been drinking on this post courtney? wow your spelling is abysmal, and makes me think you’ve had a few before posting!

        also, 25? that’s ridiculious!

        1. 25 is a good choice. Why? Because your mind is still connecting to itself when you are 18+. Drinking before your mind has fully developed only hooks you onto beer and lowers your income/well-being. You’ll get liver failure and horrible headaches all the time. Does that not matter to you? I’d assume that all people would be willing to wait until they’re responsible. Alcohol isn’t “fun”. It’s an escape. And a horribly ineffective one at that, especially since just like other drugs, it bashes and eventually kills you. Wake up.

    2. Nice questions! I wish someone had taken the time to answer them. Off hand, I’d say 18 is the automatic focus because it’s the age of majority / age of legal adulthood already, so it makes sense to tie in the ability to consume alcohol when you’re a legal adult.

      That being said, I don’t know if lowering the age to 20 or 19 would be seen as beneficial or helpful to that group that believes 18 year-olds should be able to drink. Could be seen as a tease or not going far enough. Also since 21 has been stuck in our minds for 20 plus years, there could be more confusion if the new age is lower than 21 but older than 18.

      My son is about to turn 18 and I honestly don’t think it’s a good idea for him to consume alcohol at this stage in his life. There are so many developmental and maturity things that still need to happen, and one never knows how alcohol is going to affect you.

      I enjoyed and learned from this article. It will help me talk more with my son. I don’t drink and I don’t worry about him going out and binge drinking or anything, but I do want him to think things through because he’s at the age where he will start being in more situations where older adults are not around and he has to choose for himself.

      I have taught him as Christians, the Bible says it’s a sin to get drunk, but it doesn’t say it’s a sin to drink. The Bible also teaches us to obey the law and respect authority and our parents. All that being said, I hope he waits until 21 and even then drinks sparingly or not at all. I’ve taught him what I know. Now I advise and pray and the rest is up to him.

  2. We need the U.S. Constitution to catch up with modern scientific research, such as:

    1. The age of majority in the United States shall be 24.

    2. No Person, not having attained the age of majority, shall be permitted to engage in acts associated with said age, including but not limited to enrollment or commission in the armed forces or militia, engaging in contract, or consumption of alcohol.

    3. The Military Service Academies and the Reserve Officers’ Training Program shall become graduate programs, with commissions granted after the attainment of a doctoral degree. The Federal Government and the governments of the several states may establish a pre-military undergraduate program, but no person, having enrolled in such a program, shall be held to any final decision of commission; PROVIDED, however, that the Government supporting such a person who withdraws from the program shall be entitled to recoup reasonable schooling costs from such a person.

    4. Each of the several States, and the Territories, may establish a pre-majority age for the operation of a motor vehicle, but may add restrictions thereto which do not apply to those who have attained the age of 24 years.

    5. This act shall take effect immediately upon ratification.

  3. I’d be interested in seeing this ‘discussion’ done again, with Mr. Seaman getting a chance to take apart every one of Dr. DeJong’s arguments after he made them, instead of vice versa.

    DeJong calls for research, not anecdotes, but most alcohol research is funded by organizations like the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which is vehemently anti-alcohol. Very little research is done with an eye to seeing how an 18 LDA could work; most research seems to be aimed at finding ways to support the 21 LDA. If research is funded by alcohol companies or groups, it is decried as biased, while funding by RWF is glossed over or lauded as in the public interest. All too much alcohol ‘research’ is self-supporting, citing inflated estimates like the ones BU’s own Ralph Hingson comes up with (1825 alcohol-related college deaths per year, 500-600 lives saved by 0.08 BAC laws), and then creating meta-analyses that pile the junk even higher, turning it this way and that until the ‘right’ answer falls out.

    The 18 LDA causes underground drinking. Massachusetts has been trying to grapple with underage drinking in the 21 LDA era with enforcement since the early 1990s, when keg registration laws first were put in place in western Mass. Like Prohibition, the laws keep getting wider acceptance and higher penalties, and more grandiose projections of success. Like Prohibition, they don’t work.

    An 18 LDA would cut underage drinking by over half…overnight. I could tell you by how much, but there are no figures on how much “underage drinking” is done by adults at age 18 to 20. That basic concept is apparently not worth researching.

  4. It doesn’t really matter either way to me, I’m 19 and getting alcohol isn’t a problem for anybody at BU. Lower the drinking age, or keep it the same, I’m getting drunk regardless.

  5. As a recent graduate I’m not sure how Seaman knows what he does, but he is spot on about drinking on campus. Not everyone drinks, and not everyone drinks excessively, but there are a lot of students who do. That it’s illegal deters no one, but it forces them to hide it. I think it gets better as they get older and have more experience with alcohol.

  6. The thought that being old enough to die for your country makes you deserving of special privileges is a selfish civilian idea. Those of use that actually joined the military know that you actually lose rights when you join the military – including rights to drink. The military leadership can give permission and take away permission for you to drink, and the United States military leadership actually does not want their 18-20 year olds drinking. We can train young troops to fight in the most efficient military in the world, but we cannot train them to think when they drink. And the other erroneous belief is the belief that countries with lowered drinking ages have more responsible drinking among young adults. Europe has by far more teenage and young adult binge drinking than the United States, which is a shift that began around the early 1990’s. Britain is slowly becoming the binge drinking capital of the world. Over the past few years some people have debated in various European countries to raise the drinking age, including in France. Those young people in Europe are drinking with adults responsibly but then still going out on their own to drink irresponsibly, it’s just that they have easier access to alcohol and are beginning the irresponsible drinking at younger ages than Americans.

    1. Choosing to join the military is a choice just like any other. The law considers you mentally fit to make that choice at age 18. I don’t see why you think that means civilians are “selfish” for wanting an equal right to make decisions in all aspects of their lives. Take your military entitlement elsewhere.

  7. Fact- anyone who wants alcohol can get it at college, as much as they want.

    Can MADD and others deal with this reality? If you actually embrace what this means, then the whole point of alcohol at 21 is useless. It isn’t stopping anyone.

    What it DOES do is drive students underground. At a bar, everyone is in public, and the norms are set by not by 18 year olds but those with years of drinking experience. At a frat house/underage party, you have immature “adults” deciding what is appropriate behavior. If MADD takes responsibility for every death they claim to have prevented, shouldn’t they also take responsibility for every kid who died in a basement? Every kid afraid to get caught, who drove home drunk rather than call their parents for a ride? Every girl taken advantage of at an illegal party?

    I seriously doubt politicians will ever have the guts to lower the age. It doesn’t matter, the underage will drink anyway, always have and will.

  8. I agree with the first post. 19 or 20 seems like a reasonable drinking age. I also agree that 18 is too young, especially when many kids turn 18 turning their senior year of high school. Sure, every one can get alcohol from an older brother or cousin during high school or an older friend in college, but maybe lowering the age slightly will eliminate the need to break free and wildly experiment with college students.

  9. As someone who grew up around a family that drank in moderation at gatherings and parties, I learned about limits, not how to drink more. Dejong claims that parents who let children drink at home will lead to excessive drinking at college . I think this is false. Usually the kids who never “experimented” with under age drinking or who lived in an environment where drinking was taboo, binge drink at the first chance they get when they are in college. They are naive about drinking and its effects, often resulting in over consumption. People who have seen drinking and witnessed the mature ways of drinking, while growing up, care less about binge drinking. To these people, it’s really not that big of a deal anyway.

  10. Anyone else find it strange that Prof. DeJong proposed both alcohol safety education and stricter enforcement of law? That sounds right, let’s educate how to violate a law that everyone breaks and then call for stricter enforcement of such law. Something doesn’t seem to fit here.

  11. With the exception of the fraternities that have developed clever transformer systems for their houses, alcohol seems to bring with it a complete lack of creativity. Beer pong, flip cup, quarters, all those games that have different names in each state, but are all the same–they’re not creative, they’re excuses to get drunk, socially. So maybe if institutions promoted creativity a bit more and provided realistic opportunities and alternatives for students (watching Finding Nemo is not realistic for college students), they might be able to not only curb the amount of drinking, but foster more creative, intelligent students.

    And no, video games and Facebook are not creative.

  12. All you have to know how BU feels about alcohol can be be found at Agannis when the BU band plays tequilla. I’ll be damned if you found a fan who wasn’t screaming TEQUILLA– LETS GET F**KED UP!

  13. I’m very mixed on this topic because I can understand both ways. I understand that lowering the drinking age probably would increase accidents and whatnot, but I also side with those who say that if you’re allowed to fight for your country at 18 you should be allowed to drink. My question is, why not in a way, split the law?
    Why not just say that only people above 21 can buy alcohol but allow anyone 18 or older to consume it? This allows all those 18 and older who just want to go to a party and drink or just drink casually with friend to do so without getting in trouble do so, while still putting some sort of barrier between them actually being able to purchase extreme amounts of alcohol at once. It will also only slightly change the number of younger kids (15,16,17 yr olds) who drink because they would have to get alcohol directly from a 21 year old or an 18 year old who knows a 21 year old as opposed to just a 21 year old.

  14. president brown comes off as very very very one dimensional in this article, and very very very estranged from the 18-20 year old generation which he governs. He is so out of touch with the kids at our school- and college kids in general; he comes off as conservative and unprogressive here, not to mention blinded by so called “statistics”….He talks about the many presidents who withdrew their votes seaman’s campaign for a redesign of the drinking laws, and he calls the pool of supporters “very small”. he points out that many received extreme criticism for signing….
    YES, a wonderful point!!!!!!!! Imagine all the presidents who WOULDNT sign because of the castigation they would undoubtedly receive from members their staff like who feel as Brown feels? Doesnt that point testify to the difficulty in distinguishing which presidents support the motion and which do not??Brown is completely unwilling to accept that data from the mama-bear-campaign of anti-underage-drinking may not be entirely credible. he will not concede to the fact that there are irrefutable gains in lowering the drinking age. Seaman however seems to have gleaned truths from both sides of the equation–the only rational way to examine a gray area.

  15. I think if someone is in the military at 17/18, THEN let them be legal to drink with their legitimate military ID if they are 17-20 in undergrad schooling they should not be legal. Further, I agree that kids in college have way too much free time, are doing so much unsupervised experimentation and yet, they are still on their parents purse strings. It keeps sexual misconduct and consequences down, reduces drunk driving, alcohol related deaths additictions and injuries, promotes better academic habits, keeps more kiids in college because they did not screw up in a host of ways, and saves parents and kids money. You will have a hard time convincing the distributors of beer and alcohol, related games and those establishments that make a habit of looking away and knowing they are serving to underaged kids. I say the quality of human life is more important that that dollar this industry makes at the risk of kids. My heart still aches from the disasters I have personally experienced and witnessed over the years.

    1. You’ve got to be kidding. Special rights for people with a military ID? I suppose next you’ll suggest that only veterans get to vote. After all, only people in the military are responsible enough to enjoy the privileges of democratic society.

  16. when Dejong states, “parents who allow their kids to drink at home actually stimulate the kids to drink more overall than parents who don’t encourage their kids to drink at home. Those kids drink higher amounts and more frequently.” I would be interested in seeing the statistics behind that. I know I am but one example of this, but my parents let me be the judge of my actions, so alcohol didn’t have the “forbidden fruit” allure that it has for many kids growing up. When I got to college, I had already had my chance to drink in highschool, so didn’t binge drink. Most kids who I did see binge drinking came from households where drinking was completely forbidden, and seemed to enjoy binge drinking for many reasons, including it being a slap in the face to authority.

    I also think it would be interesting to see Seaman take down Dejong’s statements instead of the other way around.

    I like to think that when our generation gets into elected positions, they might change the laws. I’m surprised alcohol companies don’t get behind the cause for lowering the drinking age more since their profits would sure increase a lot.

  17. There is one universal truth: drinking will continue regardless of the law. It was true during prohibition, and it’s true now with the discriminatory drinking laws. You might as well allow the bars to rake in the extra business, which is probably also a safer environment for the students than some sketchy frat house.

  18. I don’t know what all this fuss is about alcohol suddenly “becoming” available to high schoolers if the LDA were dropped to 18. Where I’m from people start at 14. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, and sometimes more. Yes, this usually leads to alcoholism, and no they don’t follow the drunk driving rules. Changing the law isn’t going to change things like this, and ‘alcohol education’ needs to come at an earlier age and from closer, more interested persons than a school health advisor.

    I was allowed to try alcohol so young as 5 when my family made homemade liqueur. It was the most disgusting thing in the world and I turned down future opportunities to drink until about 16 with a small glass of wine at the holidays. Being allowed to drink at home, and with that supervision of my family made going to parties to get drunk silly, and no fun because it all ended up seeming stupid.

    I do have to say I admire the second post (tho don’t actually do that.) Sure, I could go die for my country at 18 or buy cigarettes. But I couldn’t stay at a hotel even if I was driving long distance and the weather got bad. I’m graduating and have a perfect driving record, but I still can’t rent a car (though zipcars is working on fixing that, thankfully). And even being almost 24, the age when the varied US governments decide for tax purposes that you’re finally not dependent on your parents I’m still not taken seriously by other adults when making my own decisions.

    I find the way college students are babied to be very infantilizing. I’ve never lived in a dorm. I’ve never blacked out from drinking. I’ve never left candles burning all night. I think if we start treating our teenagers more like adults and start EXPECTING them to ACT like adults, then they will. As it is with people renting their first apartment at the age of 22 after graduating and not knowing even how to go about getting cable, that doesn’t help anyone.

    Point being, there’s a lot more that needs to be changed than just the drinking age is this country to get the kind of results that both sides are arguing for.

  19. I am normally a strong libertarian, believing that the government has not right to control what people put in their bodies. Let me be clear, I am firmly against drug use, over use of alcohol, and smoking, but the government has no business controlling persons personal health decisions. With that said, I think 21 is the appropriate age. Many medical studies have been found that the younger persons start drinking the likelyhood of alcoholism increases. Yes, an “age” is not going to prevent people from drinking. However, it curtails the purchasing ability of younger persons, making them rely on older persons, friends, and other available alcohol. If the age were lowered, it should not be to 18 but to maybe 19. 18 puts most high school seniors able to walk into a liquor store an purchase. That is a little dangerous from my perspective. I would, however, also assert that if someone has a valid active military ID, they should be able to purchase alcohol at 18. If you can die in battle you should be able to drink a beer.

  20. The problem with drinking is not whether the legal age is 18 or 21, it’s that, like everything else, until you’ve done it you don’t know how. I went to college when and where the drinking age was 18 (17 for some of us), and binge drinking was no worse a problem than it is now, by appearances less so. Why? because I, and many of my fellow students grew up in households where, as kids, we were offerred a glass or two of wine on holidays. First of all, this de-mystifies alcohol. secondly, we got to see adults drinking responsibly. thirdly, alcohol isn’t exactly a child’s favorite tasting beverage. But mostly it’s because we knew our parents were concerned and involved with our activities, but without too short a leash on us. Consequently, when we were away at school without adult supervision, we knew how do drink in moderation, on weekends only. The students who went off the deep end with alcohol and other things were either the ones whose parents clamped down on them when they were younger and never let them make their own decisions and mistakes, so those students made them all freshman year, or else the ones whose parents never knew or cared what their kids were up to when in high school.
    As with so many things, this is a matter of parents who don’t teach their kids properly leaving their mess up to the government and other social institutions to deal with.

  21. The critical difference in maturity involved in making good decisions and behaving as an accountable adult has almost nothing to do with age or biological brain development stages.
    It has to do with life experience and personal development.

    I think it should be noted that limited access to alcohol (and marijuana) is the direct cause of many cases of prescription drug abuse, which is absolutely rampant in American schools. When teenagers can’t get drunk, they will find some other, much more dangerous way to alter their mindset. When I was 15, it was literally easier to get heroin than whisky.

    The pedestal effect of separating young people from alcohol is undeniable. That is not just anecdotal evidence, it is absolutely true. When college freshmen finally can get ahold of alcohol, they go insane with it, in an attempt to prove that they can handle it, to be cool. Does anyone really think that kids would die from alcohol poisoning at parties if it was totally legal to do so? Really? Nobody walks around in college bragging about how many cigarettes they smoke, because no one cares.

    And education efforts are about as important to college students as abstinence-only sex ed. It’s a joke. Students mock efforts to try to curb their drinking. It only perpetuates the idea that drinking is something bad, and thus bad-ass.
    “Education” is ineffective without hands on experience, any school president would tell you that.

    In regard to the age law, admit it, the real issue is drunk driving. If people didn’t drive drunk, there would be almost no evidence to support the benefits of the 21 LDA.
    Good thing here in Boston, we have the T.


  22. “It doesn’t really matter either way to me, I’m 19 and getting alcohol isn’t a problem for anybody at BU. Lower the drinking age, or keep it the same, I’m getting drunk regardless.”

    What better sign that the 21 drinking age is the biggest alcohol policy failure since Prohibition?

  23. Actually in the Marine corps you can be 18 and up and drink. They changed it so you can enjoy yourself with the others. Most of the military is under the age of 21 and if youa re at a military function and on a military base you can drink along with everyone else. And being a veteran that i am and only being 20 when I joined I do not think in anyway that it is a selfish civilian idea at all. Most deaths in Iraq were of military members between the ages of 18 and 20. Why cant they enjoy a cold beer when they make it home alive after fighting for others who wont or cant go over there. I dont see a problem with it and I agree that people are going to drink regardless of the age. My mother use to drop me off at peoples houses knowing I was going to drink and just put guidelines out there. Just like the military and everyone who has ever had rules or guidelines. Lower the age to 18 and add a few guidelines and things will be just like they are now. It shouldnt matter how old you are!!!

  24. People should have a license to buy alcohol at 18. Part of those requirements are a clean juvie record, an alcohol understanding test + course, and that you have a high school diploma. These are just thoughts off the top of my head, but the basic idea is that just like driving is a privilege that can be taken away, alcohol consumption should be privilege and not a right.

    I say with a high school diploma (including GED) because it means the person who can have legal access to alcohol won’t be enrolled in a school near people who are underage on a daily basis. Its not 100% effective but it definitely helps. It also allows people to be forced into alcohol education when we legally become adults.

    So that we dont have to spend more tax money, maybe the alcohol lisence center could be a branch of the DMV (although I hate how the DMV runs and strongly believe it needs improvement, this is all I can think of at the moment)

    1. this kind of impedes the whole ‘freedom’ aspect of our country, also im sure major alcohol companies like anhueser busch wouldnt be too happy to hear that a large portion of their big customers (fuck ups) just got taken away, and they probably have more say than you do. dont get me wrong though i do agree with the basis of your idea, i just think it would never be a reality.

  25. Someone said, college students have way too much free time. Honestly, screw you. I wake up at 5 in the morning, go to class, and work straight until bed around 11 or 12. I don’t know a single non adult with less free time than I have during the semester. I am not the only one. Other engineers as well as tech majors will tell similar story. On top of that, we will all be in debt for 10 years. No one should act like their generation is somehow better than ours.Lets be honest. My generation rocks. My grandparents generation was the greatest generation ever. All of the world’s and this country’s problems come from the generation in charge right now. I can’t wait till you idiots get out of the way. You can start by not trying to make decisions for me or judge my peers.

    Finally, I am 21, but I have known more about alcohol safety than my parents or any other adult for years. I have been drinking for years. I have never drove drunk. I know a few of my friends have and their reason was to avoid getting caught drinking because they were underage. My parents know better and they taught me better by letting me drink with them. Lets get some real stats here. Use some science. To the author: don’t be afraid to correct interviewees in the actual article if they cite stats and facts that don’t exist.

    The age that you can drink should be the same age that you become an adult. If they think the age of adulthood should change, that could make sense. Make it 19. Then no high schoolers are legal. This also means you can’t send 18 year olds to way. If you want to send 18 year olds to war, you should probably call them adults and let them do what they want with their own lives.

    1. I don’t disagree with most of what you said but just so you know — your generation does NOT rock. I agree that the generation currently in charge is fucking up the country/world for all of us but the whole country is terrified of the day your generation is running things. (If there is anything left to run.) You sound like a hard working chap and all, no doubt becuase you are an engineering major. You have to be. I went to school for mechanical engineering and I know that 8% of students were in the engineering program and not all of those graduated as engineers. The majority of college students do not wake up at 5. They are most likely sleeping through their 9am class, half paying attention at their afternoon class and then working part-time just enough to buy beer. Like it or not that sums up your generation. It is an utter failure and comprises the poster children for why many, many people should not be allowed to breed. Or at least have a damn course on how-to-parent-children. As I said, you sound like a good kid. Don’t stick up for your generation with blanket statements that don’t apply. It kind of undermined your whole statement.

      1. @Jon, Dude, I agree our generation isn’t as great as we generally think we are, but I gotta warn you, breeding humans hasn’t worked out well for humanity in the past. Who are we to decide who is unworthy to live, especially based on the actions of their children. Life is a gift and when we decide that we have the power to determine who should have that gift, it doesn’t go well. Look at the efforts of Hitler or Margaret Sanger. Hitler was anti-Jew and African American of course, but Sanger not only wanted to wipe out the African American population because they were ‘inferior’ but also sterilize all criminals, and even the poor. All humans are equal by their nature. Irresponsible behavior is not a good reason to not allow breeding. Drinking age aside, you’re dealing with a dangerous ideology. I hope this didn’t come off as aggressive or condescending. -concerned human who doesn’t want to be sterilized if my child gets drunk.

  26. What about the simple fact that most countries have a legal drinking age of 18; which encompasses Singapore (one of the strictest, and cleanest countries on the planet). Japan has one of 20, and China has one of 18; yet all the aforementioned countries seem to outscore Americans in Science, Math, and Technology. Thus, it would seem alcohol isn’t the problem. It is the mollycoddling, “babying’ and systematic/selective stripping of responsiblities that young adults experience that seems to be the problem. You want your nations “children” to behave, treat them as adults! If they can sacrifice their lives for your country, start familes, adopt children, smoke cigarettes, pay taxes, sign binding contracts, take out student loans, and pick your president; give them the last right they deserve. Lower the drinking age and let them prove themselves, treat them like the young adults that they truly are. If every other nation in the world treats young adults as adults, and the young adults of other countries are doing well, even outproforming Americans, why should “adolescents” in America be treated any differently? Although in a few months I will be able to legally consume alcoholic beverages; younger Americans should be given that basic trust. Historically prohibition of anything has never worked, why would the highest drinking age in the world work any better?

  27. The current drinking age has become a sort of modern prohibition against legal adults aged 18-20. And like prohibition, it is a proven failure. Lower the drinking age to 18 or scrap it altogether and leave it to the parents to teach responsibility to their children. You can’t honestly expect to combat binge drinking by turning alcohol into a forbidden fruit!

  28. The only issue I have with their study on how the change in age 18->21 drinking law resulted in less alcohol related incidents on the road is that they should really be focusing on the 18-21 age group and not the whole picture.. What do 40 year olds drinking and driving have to do with 18 year olds drinking and driving? That is the impression I get when they say there was a study showing this definite decrease. Show me a 100% proven decrease in that age group and I will gladly say 21 is fair enough, but they need to change other laws such as joining the military to age 21. Dying wtihout having a first drink with the people important to you is like going through life and never experiencing sex or having the opportunity to reproduce and continue the human race.. so yes we should all just die off by their standards. A pretty big twist, but taht is how I see it honestly.

  29. I do believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. But understand that in Parts of Europe there is not even a drinking age. It is by the amount you are allowed to purchase regardless of age 21 or not. in my opinion I support the customs in Europe and thought to myself how clever of an idea that is to have a certain limit of how much alcohol to purchase.

    1. how would they even know how much you have already purchased? they can buy from different stores/restaurants. I don’t think that is a very good way of keeping track. Although I am for lowering it to 18 I just think that wouldn’t be very affective.

  30. You crazy Americans,

    21?! So in other words, you highschoolers and college boys and girls are constantly doing something illegal? And don’t learn how to drink responsibly at that?
    It’s not like alcohol is no problem in Europe, believe it or not, it is as much of a drug here as it is anywhere else. And as far as no legal drinking age in Europe, well that goes for a couple of countries that don’t care too much for laws anyways:

    Of course, we don’t mind you guys coming over here and have a beer with us, anytime.

    Sincerely, Europe

    1. Maybe it is a good idea to increase the drinking age in Europe. Drinking alcohol in adolecent years can lead to brain cell degeneration. Therefore, causing learning disabilities in the youths future. If I were president for a day, I would increase drinking age to 25. At the age of 25 is when the brain is fully developed. BTW, you can’t call wiki a credible source my friend. Wiki is constantly being updated by different users. Sounds like you need to do more research. Good luck with your early drinking.

  31. I could get arrested and be treated as an adult AT 18, I can have kids and if i dont want the kids the mother can legally tell the child support company thing and they will force me and treat me as an adult and force me to pay the mother of my children’s AT 18, I could rent an apartment AT 18, I could have a drivers license and drive with out anybody’s supervision AT 18, I COULD BUY “CIGARETS” AT 19 WHAT THE HELL!! 19, 19,19 To buy cigarets, A F***cking cigaret is worst than alcohol, I could start piloting airplanes AT 17, I could F*****ng be forced by the united states of america to go to war AT 18 and kill people if necessary Yes kill people and they will authorize it and They also applaud that when you start walking through the airport bringing the victory the the U.S, What victory? Hundreds of people you killed?? AT 18, America just says well he’s 18 we can use him for war yay cheers, They wont ways three years for that person become 21 to send them to war, NOO, there not idiots, All they think about is business behind the table which explains why you can buy cigarets at 19 and not 21, Because they want less people on there organization they just want to get rid of people and kill US Citizens With food with don’t suppose to be eating in the first place like MC.Donalds, And the most important one for them is Youuuu can vote for them ATTT 18, Which is why i told you why everything is done behind the table, IT IS ALL BUSINESS, They wont wait for your ass to reach 21 for them to receive your vote, nooo, And with all that i cant buy a beer at 18 Or at least 19??? Goodbye

  32. MADD stands for MOTHERS against drunk driving. One day though the children and adults (18 year olds)that live with there mothers one day go off to live on there own. Therefore the M in MADD shouldn’t be spending all there time being involved in getting the drinking age moved up, they should focus there time on giving there children and young adults the proper morals before they leave the house. If you agree with me reply, and if you have add on ideas to my thought please share.

  33. Why couldn’t the Govt try this. Provide each 18 year old with a special license to buy liquor, after they take some class. Then if they f up even once behind the wheel or go do some destruction of property it is taken away and they would have to do breathalyzers. That way there buddies cant go buy them liquor because the breathalyzer would indicate that. Also if they screw up not only do they lose the privilege of buying liquor a portable breathalyzer would be like a public shaming tool to make them feel guilty. Like I said I think the Govt could just try this for a few years and if it goes swell terrific if not oh well.

  34. strongest point here, if you can’t trust an eighteen year old to drink responsibly, then you shouldn’t be able to trust them to go fight and die for YOUR freedoms and rights. Can’t drink a beer until you’re twenty-one, then you can’t join the military until you’re twenty-one either.

  35. As a 19 year old college student myself, I think the main issue is that the entire legal system in the US is extremely stupid with no attention paid to common sense, unbelievable stubbornness when it comes to changing our laws, and no attempt whatsoever to keep in touch with the times. Our politicians seem incapable of looking at a law, realizing it isn’t working or even damaging, and changing it. This isn’t even just about the drinking laws, its about the war on drugs too, and its also about strict statutory rape laws that put 18 year olds on the sex offenders list for having consensual sex with a 17 year old. Absolutely heinous cases of animal cruelty are treated as less serious than eating magic mushrooms.

    And people wonder why nobody respects the law? People don’t respect the law because politicians think its okay to make idiotic laws and just expect everybody to respect and follow them. Well it doesn’t work that way, you have to have a really good reason to be threatening to, or actively depriving my liberty, and my choice to put certain chemicals into my body is definitely not a good enough reason. Assaulting another person or animal on the other hand, is definitely a good enough reason. You violated someone else’s liberty, so you deserve to have your liberty violated. But drugs and alcohol are not violating anybody’s liberty.

    The drinking age is an absolute miserable failure, and doesn’t work. 80% of college students, 18 or 21, drink alcohol. This level of use is higher than among middle aged adults. Also, 11-20% of the alcohol industry’s profits come from underage drinking. Although the law does cut down on high school and middle school drinking, it’s useless in college. One thing a lot of people here don’t seem to get though, is that drinking doesn’t usually start in college, it peaks in college but it doesn’t start there. 80% of high schoolers have had an alcoholic drink by the time they graduate, and a very significant percentage drink on some kind of regular basis (monthly, weekly, or daily). Most people who binge drink in college, have had some experience with regular drinking in high school. Maybe they didn’t binge drink in high school, but almost all of them drank. The college binge drinkers are just intensifying their high school behavior. I personally have not seen very much of this phenomenon of “the kid who didn’t drink a drop in high school suddenly blacking out every weekend.” Alcohol is certainly harder to find in high school than college, but that doesn’t mean its hard to find. Its just that in college, its so ridiculously easy to get your hands on, that the law might as well not even exist. That’s not an exaggeration either, if anything, alcohol is easier to get in the 18-20 year range because all the alcohol at parties is free and you can have as much as you want. If you want it in the dorms, everybody knows somebody 21 or older or in a frat.

    The only thing the law actually does become a barrier to, is things they probably don’t even care about much. The law becomes a barrier when you want to drink in a certain context. I can’t check into hotels, I can’t rent a room on a cruise ship, and a lot of nightclubs or bars deny entry to anyone under the age of 21. The hotels and cruise ships don’t even have anything to do with alcohol, they just don’t want to run the risk of unsupervised 18-20 years olds drinking alcohol and them losing their liquor license. The main reason I want the drinking age lowered has nothing to do with how easily I can get alcohol. Making it 18 wouldn’t change a thing, the reason I’d like it to change is so I can go to places that happen to serve alcohol and not be refused service.

  36. I believe that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 because it would make learning and teaching about the affects of alcohol much easier than it is now.

    P.S I’m not even in college!

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