Want to Stop Spammers? Ask the Pros
The Office of Information Technology is trying, and (mostly) winning
How much spam does BU get? On a typical day, University servers block 2.3 million attempts to deliver mail from known spam sources, and, IT administrators say, each of those attempts was probably aimed at multiple recipients. Of the 1.4 million messages that are not blocked, about 40 percent are rated by a secondary filter as likely to be spam, and three quarters of that can be deleted automatically if individual users have chosen that option. You get the message.
One problem, says Sharp, is that fewer than 40 percent of the eligible BU community members have signed up for the automatic blocking. Those who are using SpamAssassin can also adjust the threshold at which messages are assigned as spam. If work-related e-mails are being sent to the junk folder, says James Stone, director of consulting services for the Office of Information Technology, the normal SpamAssassin setting of 5.0 can be shifted to 5.5 to allow more messages to an inbox. Stone and Sharp recommend adjusting the threshold in small increments, whether up or down, to reduce the number of legitimate e-mails tracked as spam, while still keeping out unwanted e-mail.
For e-mail users on the go, the PCSC recommends the Web-based e-mail system Horde because it offers spam filtering. However, in addition to setting up spam filtering, Horde requires an extra step to filter the unwanted mail — each time users log on they need to click on the funnel icon to the right of the word “Inbox” at the top of the message index to filter out spam. Otherwise, says Sharp, “people may think that they’ve set up spam filtering, but by missing one step they’re actually not filtering any spam.”
If these steps have been taken, and spam still plagues an account, the reason may be spammers’ latest weapon in their ongoing battle with the creators of spam-detection software: Penny stock tips and Viagra sales pitches may now come as an image within the body of the e-mail, which slips past the current text-based spam detection software.
Aside from applying spam filters, avoiding spam is difficult. There are very few preventive measures people can take to keep their e-mail address out of spammers’ databases. One tactic is minimizing the number of places an e-mail address is posted, such as a blog, and to be cautious when giving out an e-mail address online. Responses to such things as posts on Craigslist can be an invitation to spammers.
“If you can Google your e-mail address,” says Stone, “it’s already too late — it’s already in a database somewhere.”
For more information on spam and other e-mail issues, visit the PCSC Web site.
Catherine Santore can be reached at csantore@bu.edu.