EdM in Curriculum & Teaching
For contact information, please visit the Wheelock College of Education & Human Development website.
There are multiple pathways within this degree program: (a) one designed to enable the development of a course of study developed collaboratively between students and their advisors, (b) one designed for students who, in addition to receiving their master’s degree, wish to receive an endorsement for a teaching licensure, and (c) some designed for specific cohorts of students. Each of these options is listed and described below.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of the field that connects knowledge of content, teaching practices, student learning, and curriculum.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret research in education and apply it to the design of teaching materials, including addressing issues of access, equity, and diversity when teaching all students.
EdM in Curriculum & Teaching (Total Units: 36)
Practicing educators and educators who already hold an initial teaching license often select this program to develop a course of study that includes coursework in both advanced liberal arts and advanced professional education study. This program also serves faculty, fellows, and corps members affiliated with a number of Wheelock College of Education & Human Development’s partner organizations (e.g., Teach For America, charter fellows programs, etc.). With their advisors, students select courses that will either deepen one aspect of their professional expertise or provide an opportunity to expand their teaching into a new area. Many students select this program because they want the opportunity to study schools, the profession of teaching, or a particular field within teaching.
Core Coursework (16 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- Any WED courses with the prefix BI, CE, CH, CT, DE, EC, EN, HE, LR, LS, LW, ME, PE, SC, SE, SO, or TL (12 units)
Elective Coursework (20 units)
Students select elective courses for a total of 20 units. Elective coursework is chosen in consultation with the academic advisor.
EdM in Curriculum & Teaching with Graduate Certificate in Specialization Areas
Some students elect to earn, in addition to a master’s degree in Curriculum & Teaching, an endorsement for an Initial License as a Teacher in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The number of units required for this track ranges from 36 units to 60 units, depending upon the license. The areas of specialization are listed below. For areas that require less than the 36-unit degree requirement, students will take additional electives to reach 36 units.
Elementary Education (Total Units: 42–44)
- WED CH 515 Elementary Education Curriculum Methods (10 units) or
- WED CH 516 Elementary ELA Methods (3 units) and
- WED CH 517 Elementary Science Methods (3 units) and
- WED CH 518 Elementary History Methods (3 units)
- WED CH 655 Student Teaching Practicum Grades 1–6 (8 units)
- WED ED 502/503 Foundations in Education (2 units)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (4 units)
- WED ME 504 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra, Geometry & Statistics (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 520 Sheltered English Immersion (4 units)
English Education (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED EN 502 Reflection Seminar (2 units)
- WED EN 503 Lesson Design & Instruction in the Humanities (4 units)
- WED EN 508 Student Teaching (8 units)
- WED EN 701 Teaching Text (4 units)
- WED EN 712 Teaching Writing (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Sheltered English Immersion (4 units)
English as a Second Language (ESL) PreK–6 Track (Total Units: 32)
- WED BI 504 Seminar: The Student Teaching Experience (2 units)
- WED BI 515 Methods in Bilingual Education and ESL (4 units)
- WED BI 535 Literacy Development for Bilingual Students: Instruction and Assessment (4 units)
- WED BI 620 Educational Issues in Bilingualism (4 units)
- WED ED 502/ED 503 (0-2) Analyzing Foundations of Teaching (2 units)
- WED LS 565 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (4 units)
- WED LS 595 Child Second Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units)
- WED TL 580 Student-Teaching Practicum I and II: TESOL, PreK–6 (6 units)
English as a Second Language (ESL) 5–12 Track (Total Units: 34)
- WED BI 504 Seminar: The Student Teaching Experience (2 units)
- WED BI 535 Literacy Development for Bilingual Students: Instruction and Assessment (4 units)
- WED BI 620 Educational Issues in Bilingualism (4 units)
- WED DS 502 Introduction to Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED ED 502/ED 503 (0-2) Analyzing Foundations of Teaching (2 units)
- WED LS 565 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (4 units)
- WED LS 658 Second Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units)
- WED TL 508 Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language (4 units)
- WED TL 582 Student-Teaching Practicum I and II: ESL, 5–12 (6 units)
History & Social Studies Education (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SO 510 Practicum: History & Social Science 8–12 (8 units)
- WED SO 520 Project Citizen (2 units)
- WED SO 566 Historical Literacy, 5–12 (4 units)
- WED SO 567 History Lab 5–12 (2 units)
- WED SO 572 Curriculum and Special Methods for History and Social Science, 5–12 with Pre-Practicum Experience (6 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
Mathematics Education (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED ME 507 Student Teaching Practicum Grades 5–8 (8 units) or WED ME 508 Student Teaching Practicum Grades 8–12 (8 units)
- WED ME 546 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Middle School (4 units) or WED ME 547 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: High School (4 units)
- WED ME 559 Mathematics for Teaching: Geometry (4 units) or, by permission, WED ME 504 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics (4 units)
- WED ME 560 Mathematics for Teaching: Algebra (4 units) or, by permission, WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
- Electives (2 units)
Modern Foreign Language (Arabic, Chinese, French, or Spanish)
- WED CT 534 A Practical Approach to Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Introduction to Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED ED 502/ED 503 (2) Analyzing Foundations of Teaching (2 units)
- WED LS 565 Applied Linguistics: Language and Linguistics Survey (4 units)
- WED LS 658 Second Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED WL 503 Pre-Practicum in Modern Foreign Language Education (2 units)
- WED WL 504 Seminar: The Student Teaching Seminar in Modern Foreign Languages Experience (2 units)
- WED WL 511 Methods of Teaching Modern Foreign Languages (4 units)
- WED WL 512 Curriculum & Assessment in Modern Foreign Language Education (4 units)
- WED WL 586 Practicum in Modern Foreign Languages (6 units)
Science Education: Biology (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SC 509/510 Student Teaching Practicum with seminar (8 units)
- WED SC 570 Science Methods (4 units)
- WED SC 575 Introduction to Science Education Theory and Practice with Pre-Practicum (var units)
- WED SC 576 Pre-Practicum (2 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
- Electives (6 units)
Science Education: Chemistry (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SC 509/510 Student Teaching Practicum with seminar (8 units)
- WED SC 570 Science Methods (4 units)
- WED SC 575 Introduction to Science Education Theory and Practice with Pre-Practicum (2 units)
- WED SC 576 Pre-Practicum (2 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
- Electives (6 units)
Science Education: General Science (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SC 510 Student Teaching Practicum with seminar (8 units)
- WED SC 570 Science Methods (4 units)
- WED SC 575 Introduction to Science Education Theory and Practice with Pre-Practicum (var units)
- WED SC 576 Pre-Practicum (2 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
- Electives (6 units)
Science Education: Physics (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 534 Classroom Management (2 units)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SC 509/510 Student Teaching Practicum with seminar (8 units)
- WED SC 570 Science Methods (4 units)
- WED SC 575 Introduction to Science Education Theory and Practice with Pre-Practicum (var units)
- WED SC 576 Pre-Practicum (2 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners in Middle/High Schools (4 units)
- Electives (6 units)
Special Education: Moderate Disabilities (PreK–8) (Total Units: 50)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction (4 units)
- WED LS 560 Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (4 units)
- WED ME 504 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra, Geometry & Statistics (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 534 Classroom and Behavior Management (2 units)
- WED SE 580 Methods and Materials in Special Ed (4 units)
- WED SE 593 Practicum: Students with Moderate Disabilities, PreK–8 (8 units)
- WED SE 613 Fieldwork (2 units)
- WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 751 Assessment in Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 760 Cognition, Learning & Behavior (2 units)
- WED TL 520 Teaching English Language Learners (4 units)
Special Education: Moderate Disabilities (Grades 5–12) (Total Units: 56)
- WED DS 502 Adolescent Development (2 units)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction (4 units)
- WED LS 560 Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (4 units)
- WED ME 504 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra, Geometry & Statistics (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 534 Classroom and Behavior Management (2 units)
- WED SE 584 Methods and Materials in Special Ed (4 units)
- WED SE 594 Practicum: Students with Moderate Disabilities, 5–12 (8 units)
- WED SE 613 Fieldwork (2 units)
- WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 751 Assessment in Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 760 Cognition, Learning & Behavior (2 units)
- WED TL 525 Teaching English Language Learners–Secondary (4 units)
- Secondary General or Subject Matter Methods (4 units)
- WED CT 575 General Methods of Instruction (4 units) or
- WED EN 506 Curriculum Materials and Teaching Strategies in English (4 units) or
- WED ME 546 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Middle School (4 units) or
- WED ME 547 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: High School (4 units) or
- WED SC 572 Science Methods II: Teaching in the Science Disciplines (4 units) or
- WED SO 572 Curriculum and Special Methods for History and Social Science, 5–12 (4 units)
Special Education: Severe Disabilities (Total Units: 60)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction (4 units)
- WED LS 560 Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematics for Teaching: Algebra (4 units)
- WED ME 504 Mathematics for Teaching: Geometry (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research (4 units)
- WED SE 504 Intro: Early Childhood Disabilities (2 units)
- WED SE 505 Intro: Severe Disabilities (2 units)
- WED SE 507 Severe Disabilities: Assessment and Instruction (4 units)
- WED SE 508 Severe Disabilities: Curriculum & Methods (4 units)
- WED SE 580 Methods in Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 595 Practicum: Students with Severe Disabilities, PreK–12 (8 units)
- WED SE 615 Fieldwork in Severe Disabilities (2 units)
- WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 751 Assessment in Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 760 Cognition, Learning & Behavior (2 units)
- WED TL 520 Teaching English Language Learners (4 units)
EdM in Curriculum & Teaching for MA TFA Corps Members in the Greater Boston Area
TFA Massachusetts corps members follow courses of study that vary by specialization, corresponding to their teaching roles. These courses of study lead to a master’s degree and coursework contributes endorsement for licensure by TFA Massachusetts.
The areas of specialization are listed below.
Elementary Education (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED BI 515 Methods in Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language (4 units)
- WED CT 556 Classroom Evaluation and Assessment (4 units) or WED LW 736 Teaching Writing (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (4 units) or elective (4 units)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction in the Elementary School (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (online) (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- Electives (10 units)
English and Language Arts (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 575 General Methods of Instruction (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (2 units) or elective (2 units)
- WED EN 701 Teaching Text (4 units)
- WED EN 712 Methods in Teaching Writing in Secondary English Language Arts (4 units)
- WED LW 736 Teaching Writing in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Schools (4 units) or WED LS 690 Classroom Discourse for Teaching and Learning (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (online) (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- Electives (12 units)
English as a Second Language (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED BI 515 Methods in Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language (4 units) or WED TL 508 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language, 5–12 (4 units)
- WED BI 620 Educational Issues in Bilingualism (4 units)
- WED BI 652 Reading and Writing in a Second Language: Development, Assessment, and Instruction (K–6) (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (2 units) or elective (2 units)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction in the Elementary School (4 units)
- WED LS 560 Introduction to Language and Language Acquisition (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (online) (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- Electives (8 units)
History and Social Studies (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 575 General Methods of Instruction (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (2 units) or elective (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SO 520 Project Citizen (2 units)
- WED SO 566 Historical Literacy (4 units)
- WED SO 567 History Laboratory (2 units)
- WED SO 572 Curriculum and Special Methods for History and Social Science, 5–12 (4 units)
- Electives (12 units)
Mathematics (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 575 General Methods of Instruction (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (2 units) or elective (2 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (Grades 1–6) (4 units) or WED ME 560 Mathematics for Teaching: Algebra (Grades 6–12) (4 units)
- WED ME 504 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades (Grades 1–6) (4 units) or WED ME 559 Mathematics for Teaching: Geometry (Grades 6–12) (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- Mathematics Education elective (4 units)
- Electives (12 units)
Science (Total Units: 36–38)
- WED CT 575 General Methods of Instruction (4 units)
- WED CT 799 Thesis (2 units) or elective (2 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (online) (4 units)
- WED SC 539 Explaining Science: A Philosophical Perspective (4 units)
- WED SC 570 Science Teaching Methods (4 units)
- WED SE 510 Special Education: Curriculum and Instruction (2 units) or WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SO 572 Curriculum and Special Methods for Science Education, 5–12 (4 units)
- Electives (12 units)
Special Education (Total Units: 36)
- WED LR 551 Reading Development, Assessment, and Instruction in the Elementary School (4 units)
- WED ME 503 Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems (Grades 1–6) (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Research Methods (4 units)
- WED SE 502 Introduction to Emotional Behavioral Disorders (4 units)
- WED SE 512 Special Education Law (4 units)
- WED SE 580 Methods in Special Education: Elementary (4 units) or WED SE 584 Methods in Special Education: Secondary (4 units)
- WED SE 706 Introduction to Special Education (4 units)
- WED SE 751 Assessment in Special Education (4 units)
- Electives (4 units)
EdM in Curriculum & Teaching—Online
Students in the online EdM in Curriculum & Teaching program have the opportunity to follow one of the following course sequence tracks that will allow them to study the education issues that interest them most as they prepare to be outstanding leaders in teaching, supervisory, and research positions.
- Elementary Education
- English Education
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Education
- Math Education
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
Students work with their advisor to develop a program of study that meets their needs and interests.
Note: Completion of this course of study does not lead to endorsement for licensure. Eligibility to pursue the online program is dependent on the student’s state of residence.
EdM in Curriculum & Teaching—Cohort Program in International Schools
Students in the EdM in Curriculum & Teaching Cohort Program in International Schools engage in coursework tailored to meet the needs of their cohort and educational context. Students complete one required research course and a sequence of courses designed for each partner program. The courses are face-to-face and/or online, depending on negotiations with each school.
Total Units: 36
Required Course (4 units)
- WED RS 600 Introduction to Research or any other RS-designated course
(4 units)
Elective Coursework (32 units)
- Any WED courses selected in consultation with the academic advisor.
Related Bulletin Pages
- Applied Human Development
- Child Life & Family-Centered Care
- Counseling
- Curriculum & Teaching
- Deaf Studies
- Early Childhood
- Education & Human Development
- Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
- Educational Studies
- Education for Equity & Democracy
- Education for Equity & Social Justice
- Elementary Education
- English Education
- Language & Literacy Education
- Literacy Education
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- World Language Education
- Minors in Education
- Graduate Studies
- Courses
- Policies
- Academic and Student Resources
- Licensure of Educator Personnel
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