Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
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SAR SH 110: Introduction to Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Introduction to various speech and language disorders found across linguistically and culturally diverse populations. Characteristics underlying biological systems and methods for evaluation and treating a variety of communication disorders are examined. Exploration of the professions of speech pathology and audiology. Effective Fall 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and Signed Communication, Teamwork/Collaboration. -
SAR SH 220: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
Study of the physiological structures and functions that underlie speech production. Emphasis is placed on the respiratory, phonatory, and articulatory systems. Introduction to neuroanatomy and neural control of the production of speech as well as dysfunction of these normal processes in clinical disorders is included. -
SAR SH 221: Phonetics
Phonetics is the science of the sounds of speech, including how they are produced, perceived, and classified. In this course, students will develop competence in perceiving and classifying the segmental and suprasegmental patterns of American English. Students will master the International Phonetic Alphabet for broad and narrow transcription of vowels, consonants, and connected speech. Classroom and lab-based activities will develop listening and transcription skills for analyzing individual differences in dialect and accent, phonological development, and disordered speech. -
SAR SH 230: Language Acquisition
This course will focus on first language acquisition in infancy and childhood. We will cover the progression of language development in each of the traditional areas of linguistic analysis: phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. The course will be focused on experimental research in typical language acquisition and on different theories that strive to explain the underlying cognitive and linguistic mechanisms at work in an early learner. -
SAR SH 240: Introduction to Audiology
Requires both lecture and lab to cover hearing assessment through the use of pure- tone and speech audiometric techniques as well as the measurement of middle-ear function. The course also includes information about the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, acoustics, and the effect of noise on hearing. -
SAR SH 325: Speech Science
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SARSH221 & SARSH220) - Lecture, laboratory, and demonstrations. Introduction to the basic physics of sound, including the decibel scale, spectral analysis, and resonance. Includes speech production, speech perception and suprasegmental effects. -
SAR SH 335: Neurobiology of Language
Undergraduate Prerequisites: CASPS101 or CASNE101 or CASLX250 - This course examines the neuroscience of language and communication. Topics include the brain bases of speech perception and production; lexical, semantic, and syntactic processing; language learning and development; neurogenic communication disorders; reading and literacy; and the interface between language and cognition (perception, attention, and memory). The course emphasizes modern neuroimaging approaches to human neuroscience. Students design and carry out an fMRI experiment to study the brain bases of language. Effective Fall 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry II, Teamwork/Collaboration, Creativity/Innovation. -
SAR SH 340: Aural Habilitation and Rehabilitation
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SARSH240) - An introduction to theory and techniques of audiologic habilitation and rehabilitation in audiology and speech-language pathology. The significance of Deaf world issues in the field of aural rehabilitation is addressed throughout the course. -
SAR SH 350: Clinical Methods
Undergraduate Prerequisites: SARSH221, SARSH230, and SARSH110; or consent of instructor. - This course is designed to prepare speech-language pathology students to enter into clinical practicum. Students will study theories of clinical process through guided observation experiences, culminating to a final mini-practicum experience. As part of this course, students will complete the ASHA requirement of 25 clinical observation hours. -
SAR SH 355: Introduction to Language Disorders across the Lifespan
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SARSH230) - This course will provide a broad overview of language disorders across the life span. Students will learn about the causes and characteristics of a variety of developmental and acquired language disorders. We will discuss assessment of language skills and various evidence-based treatment methodologies using video demonstration, live observation, and simulated practical experiences. -
SAR SH 356: Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SARSH221 & SARSH230) - This course provides an overview of current models of typical and disordered phonological development. Students examine and practice evidenced-based principles and practical applications of assessment, analysis, diagnosis, and intervention approaches and procedures to facilitate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to apply to working with individuals with a variety of speech sound disorders. -
SAR SH 415: Senior Seminar: Internship
The goal of this capstone seminar is to provide SLHS students with knowledge and skills in professionalism and the application of different types of evidence as a basis for practice in a variety of clinical and research settings. The course involves internships related to the disciplines of speech language and hearing sciences and is for students in their final year of these majors. Effective Fall 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy. -
SAR SH 497: Directed Study in Speech Pathology and Audiology
Independent study in selected areas of speech and language disorders, language and learning disabilities, speech and hearing sciences, or audiology. Term paper or other project summary. -
SAR SH 605: Speech Sound Disorders
Undergraduate Prerequisites: For MS-SLP students only or with consent of the instructor - Current theoretical models of phonological development and analysis will be applied to decision making processes in assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders. -
SAR SH 620: Neuroimaging for Speech and Hearing Research
In this course, students will learn the scientific and technical foundations of magnetic resonance imaging and their application to cognitive neuroscience research in speech, language, and hearing. Topics include acquisition of the MRI signal and its neuroanatomical and neurophysiological bases, the design of MRI experiments to study brain structure and function, and the statistical analysis of structural and functional MRI data. Through lectures, readings, and hands-on laboratory exercises using standard computational software for human neuroimaging, students will explore contemporary application of MRI techniques and gain practical experience acquiring and analyzing MRI data. -
SAR SH 647: Introduction to Clinical Process
Graduate Prerequisites: Graduate program enrollment status and consent of instructor - This course is designed to prepare first year MS-SLP students to enter into clinical practicum. Students will study theories of clinical process through guided observation experiences in preparation for SH740, their first practicum experience in the Boston University Academic Speech, Language and Hearing Center. Also as part of this course, students will complete the ASHA requirement of 25 clinical observation hours. -
SAR SH 650: Healthcare Seminar
Undergraduate Prerequisites: For MS-SLP students only or with consent of the instructor - MS in Speech-Language Students only. The goal of this seminar is to provide students in medical field placements with knowledge regarding service delivery models, reimbursement issues, documentation requirements, assessment approaches, goal setting, interdisciplinary team approaches, prioritizing treatment concerns and discharge planning. Case study presentations and discussions will be generated from students' field placement experiences. -
SAR SH 680: Neural Control of Speech
The course will focus on speech motor control, i.e. the production of phoneme strings with minimal regard for linguistic content. More specifically, brain mechanisms responsible for commanding the musculature of the vocal tract to produce articulations that lead to an acoustic signal that conveys a desired string of syllables with a desired prosodic contour will be covered. This treatment will include neuroanatomical and neurophysiological descriptions of the primary brain structures involved in speech production, with particular emphasis on the cerebral cortex and its interactions with the cerebellum and basal ganglia using basic control theory concepts to explore the computations performed by these brain regions. -
SAR SH 691: Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Undergraduate Prerequisites: For MS-SLP students only or with consent of the instructor. - Introduces augmentative and alternative communication. Focuses on clinical features and considerations of AAC tools and strategies, candidacy for AAC across the age span and features matching and domains of assessment process required for successful evidence-based AAC implementation. -
SAR SH 700: Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Undergraduate Prerequisites: For MS-SLP students only or with consent of the instructor. - Evidence-based practice in the diagnosis and remediation of speech, language or hearing disorders requires the application of research methods to answering clinical questions. The course includes an introduction to a range of experimental designs, statistical analyses, and measurement approaches in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology. Contemporary journal articles are evaluated for quality and used as examples for sufficiency of evidence in clinical decision making.