Occupational Therapy
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SAR OT 500: Integrative Seminar I and LIFW
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OTD students only. - This graduate course in occupational therapy is the first integrative seminar in a 4-seminar sequence designed to enhance clinical reasoning processes by integrating knowledge from previous educational and work experiences with current courses and weekly fieldwork experiences. Using problem-based case scenarios, class discussion, classroom activities, fieldwork experiences and reflective journaling this seminar focuses on learning the foundations for professional socialization, group processes, therapeutic relationships, ethical practice and other professional issues for working with persons and populations of all ages with a variety of needs for occupational therapy services. Self-directed, collaborative learning and class participation are essential aspects of this seminar. -
SAR OT 501: Integrative Seminar II and LIFW
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT500, OT513, OT520, OT526, OT529, OT589; OTD students only. - This course is the second in a four-seminar sequence designed to develop and enhance professional reasoning processes by integrating knowledge and skills from previous educational and work experiences and from concurrent OT courses with weekly fieldwork experiences. This seminar focuses on reasoning related to theories of learning and behavior change; the assessment, intervention, and documentation process; use of theory and research evidence in practice; therapeutic rapport and communication; and other professional topics and issues as they relate to working with persons and populations of all ages in a variety of OT practice contexts. Self-directed and collaborative learning, class participation, reflective writing for application and analysis of learning, case-based learning, and ongoing development of a professional portfolio are essential aspects of this seminar. -
SAR OT 502: Integrative Seminar III and LIFW
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT501, 0T524, 0T556, OT562, OT620; MSOT and OTD students only. - This is the third course in a sequence designed to develop clinical reasoning by integrating course-related knowledge with weekly fieldwork experiences. The course uses problem-based case scenarios and fieldwork experiences to practice reasoning about evaluation and intervention for person of all ages with a variety of disabling conditions. Students apply client-centered, occupation and evidence-based practice concepts to their evaluation and intervention plans. -
SAR OT 506: Therapeutic Use of Self
This graduate course in occupational therapy was created to address the promotion of therapeutic use of self. The course will focus on the development of skills and knowledge to develop confidence and competence at using therapeutic use of self with clients, and professional skills that support effective communication with families, communities, and interprofessional teams. Concepts covered will include therapeutic use of self, interpersonal skills and reasoning, professional communication, and coping skills. This course aligns with Integrative Seminar 1 and supports the foundations for professional socialization. -
SAR OT 513: Analysis and Adaptation of Occupation
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OTD students only - This course will introduce students to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain & Process (OTPF) 3rd edition (AOTA, 2014), an official document for the profession. Through lecture and participatory activities, students will investigate aspects of the domain of occupational therapy and "achieving health, well-being, and participation in life through engagement in occupation" (AOTA, pg. S4). Employing logical thinking, critical analysis, problem solving, and creativity students will learn how to analyze and adapt occupations and activities. Students will be able to explain the meaning and dynamics of occupation and activity, including the interaction of areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, activity demands, context(s), and client factors. Through community service projects, students will articulate to clients and the general public the distinct value of occupation to support participation. Using small team presentations, students will gain an understanding of the importance of the historical and philosophical base of occupational therapy. -
SAR OT 520: Evidence-Based Practice I
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Basic Statistics; OTD students only. - * This course is designed for occupational therapy graduate students to develop beginning skills for conducting evidence-based practice. The focus is on using research evidence to support the first task of therapy: getting to know the client and the client's needs. Students learn how to find, use, and communicate about two types of published research reports that support the therapist's task of getting to know a client: (1) reports about the occupational lives and needs of people like the client (i.e., similar health care conditions, gender, cultural group, etc.), and (2) reports about the quality of different assessment methods for gaining information about a client's occupational life and needs. The format of class sessions is primarily discussion, with some lecture, that is structured around actual client cases and guiding questions. Student performance is assessed with class participation, homework assignments, and a final exam/project. -
SAR OT 524: Introduction to the OT Process
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT500, OT513, OT520, OT526, OT529, OT589. OTD students only. - This course is designed to introduce students to the Occupational Therapy process as described in the OT Practice Frameworks II. The course is organized around the "Paired Cooperative Learning" (PCL) experience. This is a collaborative student relationship designed to provide a practical context for developing skills in evaluation, planning, implementing, and documenting client-centered, occupation and evidence-based occupational therapy assessment and intervention. Students will learn to apply theory to the OT Process in developing and implementing intervention. Professional topics related to therapeutic use of self, interviewing, clinical reasoning, use of theory to guide practice, professional development and wellness-oriented practice are addressed. Course principles are applied to all areas of OT practice. -
SAR OT 526: Functional Movement: Analysis and Assessment
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Gross Human Anatomy; OTD students only - Graduate Corequisites: (SARHS581) - This occupational therapy course examines changes in gross and fine movement skills across the life course, and the relation of these changes to occupational performance. In addition, students learn biomechanical, ecological systems, and dynamical systems' principles underlying human movement and their application to functional activities including seating, transfers, and mobility. Principles covered in lecture are applied through practical experiences and discussions during the application sessions. -
SAR OT 529: Occupation Across the Life Course
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Developmental Psychology; OTD students only - This course examines current theory and research related to the development of human occupation throughout the life course. Human development is viewed from occupation-based and ecological perspectives, emphasizing the inextricable links among person, environment, and occupation. The performance of activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, work/education, play/leisure, and social participation, especially as potentially affected by health and disability, will be examined across the life course. Students are required to observe, interpret, and describe occupational performance, and to apply relevant theories and constructs to understand the development of human occupation. Students will begin to develop a base of knowledge about different types, administration, and interpretation of assessment methods and measures. -
SAR OT 530: Occupation Based Practice with Groups
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT502, OT538, OT563, OT564, OT621; OTD students only - Graduate Prerequisites: (SAROT524 & SAROT533 & SAROT535 & SAROT537) - This Level I Fieldwork Practicum and Integrative Seminar in Occupational Therapy is the culminating course in a four-semester course sequence. It is designed to enhance clinical reasoning by integrating knowledge and skills from current and previous courses with a weekly fieldwork experience. Students use principles of program development, needs assessment, group intervention planning and implementation, along with theory and research evidence, to design and co-lead occupation-centered groups in a variety of practice settings and contexts with child, adult and elder populations. Readings, independent learning, and group supervision are combined with assignments specific to planning and leading a group. Class participation and independent learning are an essential aspect of this course. -
SAR OT 538: Assistive Technology
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT501, OT524, OT556, OT562, OT620; OTD students only - Graduate Prerequisites: (SAROT513) - This course provides a lecture and laboratory-based introduction on the use of assistive technologies and related issues, such as funding and legislation. Since the area of assistive technology is a rapidly changing and dynamic one, this course is designed to provide a basic understanding of various types of technologies, user populations, and environments. It is also designed to provide informational resources for students to access later in clinical experiences. -
SAR OT 556: Neuroscience for Occupational Therapy
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT500, OT513, OT520, OT526, OT529, OT589; MSOT students only - In this foundation neuroscience course, the student will be presented with topics including histology of the central nervous system, gross anatomy and organization of the central nervous system, cross-sectional anatomy of the brainstem and spinal cord, autonomic nervous system anatomy and function, ascending sensory pathways, descending motor pathways, cranial nerves: location, fibers course and function, vasculature of the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord, visual system, vestibular system, auditory system, cerebellum, basal ganglia, cerebral cortical structure and function, limbic system: learning and memory, and development and normal aging of the nervous system. In addition to an in depth discussion of the neuroanatomy of each of the above systems and structures, each topic will have an applied component in which students will investigate the impact of these systems and structures on function. Students will be presented with case studies in class and in the lab portion of the course which reinforce the clinical application of the course topics. In lab, students will also conduct exercises related to the testing of neurological function and investigate neuranaotmic structures using brain atlases and images. -
SAR OT 562: Learning and Behavior Change
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT500, OT513, OT520, OT526, OT529, OT589; OTD students only. ; Undergraduate Corequisites: (SAROT556 & SARHS582) - This graduate course in occupational therapy is designed to examine interdisciplinary theories and methods of learning and behavior change that inform current OT theoretical approaches and interventions. The course explores the impact of various clinical conditions and cognitive function on learning and behavior change. Readings, independent learning and group activities are combined with assignments focused on 1) analyzing theory as a guiding principle in designing evidence-based, occupation and client centered interventions, and 2) demonstrating an understanding of selected occupational therapy assessments that include a metacognitive or dynamic component, including knowledge of assessment procedures and clinical implications of assessment findings. Class participation and independent learning are an essential aspect of this course. Class format is lecture and application discussions. -
SAR OT 563: Context and Occupational Performance
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT501, OT524, OT556, OT562, OT620; MSOT and OTD students only. - This graduate course in occupational therapy is designed to be taken concurrently with two other complementary courses: OT564 and OT503 (Integrative Seminar/LIFW III). This course focuses on knowledge and resources needed for effective clinical reasoning in occupation therapy practice. Topics covered include practice contexts/environments, healthcare/education regulations and policies, and interdisciplinary practitioner roles. Content is applied particularly to individuals living with long-term conditions who are most likely to benefit from compensatory and adaptive interventions to enable performance of meaningful occupations. Classes consist primarily of lectures, group discussions, audiovisual presentations, and case study discussions. -
SAR OT 564: Skills for Occupation Based Practice I
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT501, OT524, OT556, OT562, OT620; MSOT and OTD students only. - This companion course to OT563 Context and OT502 Integrative Seminar III emphasizes the development of assessment and intervention skills for working with individuals living with chronic conditions likely to benefit from compensatory and adaptive strategies. Students have opportunity for hands-on practice in selecting, administering, and interpreting assessments, as well as choosing and implementing occupation-based interventions. Best practice is promoted by requiring students to support their assessment and intervention choices through theoretical and empirical evidence. -
SAR OT 565: Skills for Occupation Based Practice II
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OT502, OT538, OT563, OT564, OT621; MSOT and OTD students only. - This companion course to OT566 Client Factors emphasizes the development of assessment and intervention skills for working with individuals living with conditions likely to benefit from remedial interventions directed toward performance skills and client factors. Students have opportunity for hands-on practice in selecting, administering, and interpreting assessments, as well as choosing and implementing interventions. Best practice is promoted by requiring students to support their assessment and intervention choices through theoretical and empirical evidence. -
SAR OT 568: Occupation-Based Practice for Individuals
This course is designed to provide practice of skills to select and implement specific occupational therapy assessments and interventions. Specifically, this course provides opportunity for hands on practice to choose, administer and interpret assessments along with opportunity to develop collaborative goals, and choose, implement, and re-evaluate interventions. Documenting weekly sessions provide extensive practice of written communication. This course will focus on individuals living in the community with chronic conditions. Implementing client-centered, theory driven, evidence-based, and occupation-based interventions will be emphasized throughout. This class meets 2x/week, once as a large group and once/week for intervention session. Students spend time outside of class time reviewing the evidence, practicing administration of assessments, developing session plans, and preparing for client sessions. -
SAR OT 570: Special Topics in Occupational Therapy
Graduate Prerequisites: OTD students only. - Advanced study in a selected area of occupational therapy theory or practice. Specific topic announced in the semester offered. Seminar and/or supervised laboratory study as appropriate to the particular topic. -
SAR OT 586: Professional Service Management
Graduate Prerequisites: OT502, OT538, OT563, OT564, OT621; MSOT and OTD students only. - This required graduate course provides a fundamental, critical overview of health care management principles. Detailed discussions, teamwork, practical case study experiences, as well as oral and written assignments will guide the soon-to-be entry-level occupational therapist to effectively manage people and resources, and to understand political, regulatory, economic, and social forces that are affecting a constantly changing and often complex health and rehabilitation environment. Major emphasis is on advocacy and legislation, reimbursement, financial planning, personnel management, leadership, negotiation skills, conflict resolution, ethics, grant writing, starting up a new program, business or practice, entrepreneurship, and marketing. -
SAR OT 589: Orientation to Practice
Undergraduate Prerequisites: OTD students only. - This graduate course in occupational therapy is designed to orient and introduce students to current and emerging areas of practice. Guest faculty and practitioners will share their experience and expertise for various areas of practice to aid students in understanding the typical contexts of fieldwork experiences that will be an integral part of the curriculum. This course is intended to introduce students to common types of client populations across the lifespan and typical interventions and goals for areas of practice addressing mental health, pediatrics, and physical disabilities occupational needs and services. Goals, guidelines, policies and procedures for participating in the academic program's Level I (LIFW) and Level II (LIIFW) fieldwork programs will be reviewed. Training in confidentiality/privacy laws will be provided to support students in abiding by professional ethics and behaviors. Additionally, opportunities for professional development within and outside of the University will be highlighted.