• Rich Barlow

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Rich Barlow, an older white man with dark grey hair and wearing a grey shirt and grey-blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Rich Barlow is a senior writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a former Boston Globe religion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. Profile

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There are 8 comments on Diet Plan: Wear Panties?

  1. Goodness, what a waste of judicial resources. I figured out long ago that if something sounded too good to be true that it was more likely than not false. That doesn’t seem to be such a deep thought. I guess I don’t care if a few insecure women were disappointed not to have shed any pounds by buying expensive underwear. Long ago someone said, “No one ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of the American public.” My guess is that you could substitute any country’s citizens for Americans. I am much more concerned about the Enrons and Madoffs in the world.

  2. > “There is lots of evidence to suggest that fatness is beyond the control of individual efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle,”

    Gimme a break. Everyone’s body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. You’re helping no one by spouting this dis-empowering drivel, in fact you’re contributing to someones type 2 diabetes right now.

    > Fitness is easier “for more privileged people with access to more expensive diets and exercise regimens,”

    Holy cow. How expensive is it to eat less calories? How expensive is it to go for a walk or a jog, or do sit ups and push ups? Those excuses are bogus. Talk about self deception.

    1. A lot of studies show that obesity-related health outcomes are directly related socioeconomic status. It may not seem expensive to go outside for a walk, but that time isn’t a luxury some people have, particularly those down the ladder who need to work. Or maybe they can’t afford to leave their kids alone at home for half an hour. There are so many factors that go into being able to engage in preventative health measures. Same goes for making healthy food – it is certainly more expensive to buy produce that doesn’t last very long than to buy processed foods, in addition to time constraints. And genetics are genetics. Predisposition is not really made up. While it certainly can be a case of self-deception, these excuses are very real for many people.

      1. How about taking your kids with you to the park? Go for a walk with them, set an example. I’m sure you’ll respond with something like “what about parents of children who are allergic to oxygen” or something like that.

        Regardless, maintaining a healthy level of body fat is much more about your diet than level of activity. Its perfectly possible, and not unrealistic, to stay in a healthy BMI range without doing any extra exercise outside normal daily stuff.

        Also, frozen vegetables are cheaper than frozen pizzas, or other unhealthy foods. Same with frozen fruit. Whole wheat bread cost the same as white bread. Water is a lot cheaper than soda. People are slaves to the quick dopamine release, high sugar high gylcemic-index food. There ARE affordable ways to eat healthy. Maybe instead of giving people excuses to pull out the next time they smell a big mac, we should educate people on how to shop efficiently.

        I’ve never bought soda, products containing high fructose corn syrup, or any bleached grains at the store my entire 2 years living off campus, on a budget of $50 per week.

        1. Oh Joe — you are so privileged and you have no idea. You have some good ideas but you are totally ignorant about how hard it is for many people to buy the food you list. Many poor people live in food deserts where there are only corner stores and grocery stores are a long way away. And these are people who need to work multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. So they don’t have time to get to the grocery store to buy frozen veg and fruit, etc. So stop assuming that everyone has it as easy as you.

          1. Joe – You are definitely correct about everything, yet, just as Elizabeth states you are more privileged that you can imagine. You must realize that you have what is necessary here, the problem and solution, one must have adequate education/intelligence to know this. Obesity is related to socio-economic situations because of this.

            If everyone could understand and comprehend:

            1. why they are unhealthy
            2. how to acquire health
            3. then actually implement their plan for the acquisition of health (based off free will and the want to live a better life)

            we would be in a world of ease and understanding.

  3. Should’ve mentioned how even Dove, with all their videos about loving yourself, still sells skin lightening cream in countries like India.

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