Student Option to Discontinue Field Internships

March 15, 2020

Dear MSW students,

Over the past week, the Field Education department had been working with advisors and field instructors to support students and agencies in light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis. Initially, we created guidelines to provide options in the event that students were not able to complete field education requirements in person. We posted these guidelines on our BUSSW webpage, which included allowing students to complete some of their requirements remotely and strategies for remote competency development that adhere to CSWE field education requirements.

Considering the rapidly unfolding events of the past few days, including the recently imposed state of emergency in Massachusetts and other states, nationally, and the public health call to society to minimize public contact and gatherings, Dean Delva and the COVID-19 response team (CORE team) have made the difficult decision that:

Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, students will no longer be required to attend their field placements. This will be effective until the end of the semester, May 1, 2020.  

Please note that the Field Education Department notified field instructors/agencies and your advisors about this decision on Sunday, March 15, 2020. We made the decision out of concern for both students and clients, as either of these populations could affect the other. Unfortunately, this is also a decision that other schools of social work across the nation are beginning to make for the same reasons.

We are cognizant that this decision will have an impact on your agency and your clients. Though safety of students and clients is paramount, equally important is ensuring that we support the mission of field placement and that we not cause additional stress to the agency and the populations they have been serving. We and your advisors will work with each of you on next steps.

Some students may be interested in remaining in their field placements through the end of the semester. Those who want to continue their placements are allowed and should inform their field advisors and field supervisors.  Students who stay at their placement sites should follow agency guidelines concerning health and other precautions, as recommended by their respective agencies, the BU website, BUSSW, and the CDC.

BUSSW students fall into several different categories based on their program platform, the type of placement you are in (foundation, advanced, advanced standing and HSE), and when you started and are scheduled to complete your internships. In making this decision, we considered the 4 categories and have mapped out options for each.

Please review carefully the information at the bottom of this letter. We have also posted this information on the BUSSW COVID-19 web page. We understand that some students have very unique field circumstances and we are committed to helping everyone through this difficult ordeal.

For those in the online program who began their field placements this spring 2020, if you choose not to continue in field, please contact your advisor to discuss your options.

These are challenging times for the world and for all of us. Thank you for your support and patience throughout the process. We will continue to monitor the rapidly unfolding situation, and we will keep you informed of any developments, decisions and initiatives we may undertake, in as timely a manner as possible.


Denita Johnson
Assistant Dean for Field Education

Please read the information in the category below that best describes your particular situation.


  • If you have completed the Council on Social Work Education minimum field education requirement of 900 hours total for your foundation and advanced placements, we will consider that you have completed field education and you do not need to continue in your placement.
  • If you would like to continue in your field placement, either in a reduced or different capacity, please complete the Alternative Work Plan Form and upload it to your forms in the Sonia database and contact your BUSSW Advisor.
  • If you have not met the requirement and need to complete additional hours, you can do any of the following:
    • Inform your BUSSW advisor and the Field Education Department that you would like to continue in your field placement and for how long
    • Talk with your field instructor about activities you can complete remotely and complete the Field Education Work Plan Form
    • If your field instructor is not available, talk with your BUSSW advisor or contact the Field Education Department to set up a time to talk with a field education coordinator.
    • If your agency has closed and you do not know if it will be open in time for you to complete your hours, please contact your BUSSW advisor who will inform the Field Education Department.


  • Contact the Field Education Department to set a time to meet with a coordinator to create a plan for completion of hours; if you have already completed 800 or more hours, we will work on a pass grade for you.
  • If you would like to continue in your placement as planned, please inform the Field Education Department and your advisor.
  • If you have not met the requirements and are able to continue in your placement, you can do any of the following:
    • Inform your BUSSW advisor and the Field Education Department that you would like to continue in your field placement
    • Talk with your field instructor about activities you can complete remotely to reach the number of required hours
    • If your field instructor is not available, talk with your BUSSW advisor or contact the Field Education Department to set up a time to talk with a Field Education coordinator.
    • If your agency has closed and you do not know if it will be open in time for you to complete your hours, please contact your BUSSW advisor who will inform the Field Education Department.


  • Meet with your BUSSW advisor to create a plan for completion of hours; if you have 800 or more hours, we will work on a pass grade for you.
  • If you have not met the requirement and are able to continue in your placement, you can do any of the following:
    • Inform your BUSSW advisor director that you would like to continue in your field placement
    • Talk with your field instructor about activities you can complete remotely
    • If your field instructor is not available, please contact your BUSSW about creating a remote or alternative work plan.
    • If your agency has closed and you do not know if it will be open in time for you to complete your hours, please contact your BUSSW advisor about creating a remote or alternative work plan.


  • You are not required to continue with your field placement. However, if you do not continue in your placement for the remainder of the semester, a plan will need to be made for you to complete the remaining hours required.
  • If your agency is open and you would like to continue with your field placement, please contact the Field Education Department and your BUSSW advisor to inform them that you are continuing.
  • If your agency is open and offering a remote work plan and you would like to choose this option, please complete the Alternative Work Plan Form and submit it to your advisor and the Field Education Department.
  • If you cannot attend or are unable to work remotely, the Field Education Department will work with you to develop a plan for you to make up any missed hours.
  • Online Program students who entered field in January 2020 who choose not to continue in field should contact their BUSSW advisor to discuss options.