Romance Studies Graduate Student Conference: Technology & Literature

Boston University Romance Studies Graduate Student Conference


Saturday, April 27th, 2019

Call for Papers

What is literature? What is twitterature? These questions have never been as pertinent as they are

in today’s political climate. Technology has put supercomputers in our pockets and allowed for

constant connection to a global internet. It has simultaneously broken down and erected cultural,

social, economic, geographic, and interpersonal barriers. Technology, from the steam engine to

the nanoprocessor, looms over our hopes and fears for the future, and casts its shadow over our

perception of the past. This conference will examine the relationship between technology, in all

of its forms, and what academics have traditionally referred to as “literature.” Does the scholarly

definition of literature hold in the age of social media? Who is a writer, and who is their public?

How does one mark the difference between the two?


Please submit abstracts of 200-250 words for individual presentation or panel proposals to . We welcome papers in English, French, or Spanish: please write your

abstract in the language of the presentation . The deadline for submission is February 1st, 2019.

Please see the flyer for full details.