The celebrations marking the inauguration of Melissa Gilliam as BU’s 11th president at Time Out Market was a success!

President Gilliam had the opportunity to meet and connect with some incredible members of the BU community at Tuesday’s Time Out Market event. Check it out.

Today’s Close-up

Photo: A group of college students holding plates with lobsters on them

A BU Tradition: Lobster Night 2024

Once a year, like clockwork, BU’s Lobster Night makes an evening in September special for lovers of the tasty crustaceans. On September 19, fresh local lobsters were served at Warren, West, and Marciano Commons—Mae Luning (COM’27) (from left), Hattie Maxwell (COM’27), Allison Cinelli (CAS’27), Maya Burns (CAS’27), and Summer Barringter (CGS’25) chose to have their feast at Marciano.

Photo by Ajani Hickling (CAS’27)

View All Close-ups

New Book Examines Effects of Anti-intellectual Thought on Science

Anti-Scientific Americans, by SPH Assistant Professor Matt Motta, expands upon his research into how anti-intellectual sentiment harms public opinion of science and damages policymaking that affects health.

Images of Motherhood

Toni Pepe finds inspiration and meaning in 20th-century newspaper photography

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