LAW BK 903

This course seeks to give students real world experience in the practice of financial services law by immersing them in the day-to-day operations of a law firm, financial services organization, financial nonprofit entity or regulatory agency. Students are expected to work under the supervision of a professional, approved by a Financial Services Law Internship faculty member, who will ensure that the students have a meaningful, relevant and rigorous experience. It is expected that the Internship will involve a minimum of ten hours workplace experience per week. The Graduate Banking Program will exercise its best efforts to arrange relevant internships with entities involved in providing financial services. The Graduate Banking Program will also review and incorporate in the Internship course, appropriate internship opportunities arranged by the student which meet course requirements. Participation is subject to availability of positions and a matching of student interests, prior course work and language skills with the needs of the internship providers.

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Handly ARR 12:00 am-12:00 am

SPRG 2025 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Handly ARR 12:00 am-12:00 am

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.