Other Research Related Information
Institute for Research on Poverty Podcast – The Biosocial Links between Discrimination and African American Health
The Commonwealth Fund Interactive Web Tool – All Health Care is Local: The Power of Community to Drive Improvement
In many communities across the U.S., poverty is a depressingly reliable indicator of health outcomes and health system performance, in part because access to care tends to be more limited in impoverished areas while socioeconomic challenges associated with poor health-low education levels, homelessness, and mental illness-abound. But there are some fascinating exceptions to this general rule, as The Commonwealth Fund’s 2012 Scorecard on Local Health System Performance revealed.
Families USA Infographic – Latino Health Disparities Compared to Non-Hispanic Whites
Racial and ethnic health disparities undermine our communities and our health care system. This infographic shows some of the more prevalent health disparities that afflict Latinos in the United States (compared to non-Hispanic whites).
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)
National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) 50-State Policy Tracker
Why Not the Best? Quality Improvement Resources for Health Care Professionals (The Commonwealth Fund)
This resource allows users to compare hospitals, hospital groups, and U.S. regions on performance and population health outcomes.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Resources
Traumatic childhood events like abuse and neglect can create dangerous levels of stress and derail healthy brain development-resulting in long-term effects on learning, behavior and health. A growing network of leaders in research, policy and practice are leading the way in preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and mitigating their impact through building resilience. Listen to these experts and learn more about innovative approaches to improving mental and physical health using an ACEs framework.
The Boston College Graduate School of Social Work Social Work NIH Grant Directory
The Social Work NIH Grant Directory provides an overview of NIH grants awarded to social work researchers between 1993 and the present time.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Grant Application Tips
AHRQ provides helpful tips on applying for grants through the agency.
NIH Center for Scientific Review
The Center for Scientific Review handles the receipt and review of NIH grant applications and provides helpful information about the process.
Grants.gov provides a one-stop location to search for grant opportunities from federal agencies. These include opportunities from HHS, NIH, and other sources relevant to social work research.