Calls for Presentations
2017 National Tribal Health Conference – United Tribal Voices Advocating for Healthy Native People
Deadline: July 7, 2017
The National Tribal Health Conference is the leading Indian health event in the nation. The event attracts over 800 Tribal leaders, health directors, advocates, researchers, and federal partners. The tracks at the 2017 NTHC will create a dynamic opportunity for Tribes and their partners to advance sustainable health care systems in which American Indians and Alaska Natives can easily access reliable, high quality, and culturally driven health services. Click here for more information.
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) 8th Annual National Tribal Public Health Summit – Together We Rise: Sustaining Tribal Public Health as a National Priority
Deadline: March 17, 2017
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) encourages presentations highlighting evidenced based, best, wise, or promising practices developed in and for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. NIHB is particularly interested in presentations that provide tools along with information and research, so that participants may leave with the tools they need to make the knowledge they gain actionable. NIHB is also looking for presentations highlighting the various social determinants of health (i.e. socioeconomic status, access to education and employment, the physical environment, etc.) as they pertain to the issues discussed. Click here for more information.
4th Annual Global Well-Being and Social Change Conference: Children’s Rights: Building Resilience, Protecting from Harm, and Fostering Well-Being Among Our World’s Children
Deadline: January 30, 2017
2017 National Cooperative of Health Networks (NCHN) Association Annual Educational Conference
April 24-27, 2017 – Bozeman, MT
Deadline: November 4, 2016
The Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) 28th Annual Conference – The Business of Social Work: Mission, Morals, Morale, & Money
Deadline: January 16, 2017
focuses on “The Business of Social Work” and essential facets of organizational leadership by strategically managing essential pillars: Mission, Morals, Morale and Money. Click here
National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health 27th Annual Conference
Deadline: July 29, 2016
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS)
Deadline: September 15, 2016
AUCD 2016 Annual Conference – Navigating Change: Building our Future Together
Deadline: June 20, 2016
The AUCD 2016 Conference, “Navigating Change: Building our Future Together,” highlights both the change that comes at the end of a Presidential term as well as our need to work together to create a future in which children and adults with disabilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of life as valued members of their communities. Click here for more information.
2nd Annual Service Member to Civilian National Summit – Re-Envisioning Veteran Transitions in a Community Context
Deadline: April 30, 2016
International Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG)
Deadline: January 31, 2016
National Health and Human Services Summit – Inspire. Innovate. Impact.
Deadline: January 22, 2016
NACSW’s 66th Annual Convention and Training Conference – Building Bridges: Fostering Healing and Connections in our Communities
Deadline: March 1, 2016
Twelfth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability
Deadline: December 21, 2015
Foster Family-based Treatment Association 30th Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care
Deadline: December 16, 2015
3rd Annual Global Well-Being Conference – Global Poverty: Human Needs, Economic Justice, and Social Change
Deadline: January 30, 2016
American Men’s Studies Association (AMSA) 24th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference – (Un)Masking Masculinities: Constructing and Deconstructing Representations of Masculinities
Deadline: December 15, 2015
American Society on Aging 2016 Aging in America Conference
Deadline: Until filled
46th Annual Urban Affairs Association Conference – Social Justice in the Global City? Contested Views on Social Control, Borders, and Equity
Deadline: October 1, 2015
National Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH) Conference – Rural Mental Health: What’s Around the Corner?
Deadline: December 1, 2015
National Rural Health Association 39th Annual Rural Health Conference
Deadline: July 31, 2015
The National Rural Health Association’s Annual Rural Health Conference is the nation’s premier event celebrating rural health. Each year, more than 200 faculty present 48 concurrent educational sessions, 20 research papers and up to 100 research and educational posters. Any person with an interest in rural health care or rural health research is invited to submit session proposals or original research for presentation during the 2016 conference. Click here for more information.
2015 Association for University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Annual Conference – Growing Leaders, Driving Change
Deadline: June 2, 2015
Over 700 community leaders, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, professionals, advocates, and students will join forces in November in their commitment to change the world for people with disabilities and their families. Packed with workshops, meetings, receptions, and plenaries, the AUCD conference is designed to promote innovative thinking that will catapult disability policy, research, and advocacy initiatives to the next level. Click here for more information.
39th Annual NASW/Texas State Conference – Student Poster Session
Deadline: June 1, 2015
The 2015 NASW/Texas State Conference Planning Committee is seeking poster proposals from social work students to present at our conference! Poster proposals must include topics that help build knowledge and skills in social work practice, theory, policy or research that are relevant to today’s practice issues and clients/client systems we serve. Click here for more information.
The National Association of Welfare Research and Statistics (NAWRS) Annual Workshop – Strengthening the Safety Net: Challenges and New Perspectives in Promoting Employment and Income Stability
EXTENDED Deadline: March 31, 2015
Rural HIV Research and Training Conference
Deadline: June 5, 2015
The Rural HIV Research and Training Conference welcomes submission of program proposals about HIV-related challenges and opportunities in rural communities with the following topics: research projects about the medical, social, and psychological realities of HIV/AIDS; evidence-based prevention and intervention programs and practices for physical, social and emotional well-being; family and community support and involvement through partnerships, faith-based initiatives, and social service programs; and advocacy projects that address HIV-related inequalities, stigma, and discrimination. Click here for more information.
Annual Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG)
Deadline: February 15, 2015
The IASWG Annual Symposium brings together group workers from around the globe. With roots in the Settlement House movement, group work has proudly embraced the tradition of creating a space for all voices. With a focus on mutual aid, empowerment, respect for diversity, equal participation, inclusion, and non-judgmental acceptance, group workers deter oppression by widening the circle to create a space for all voices. Click here for more information.
3rd Annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Research Symposium: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on LGBT Research in the Social Sciences – Methodological Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World
Deadline: February 1, 2015
The mission of the LGBT Research Symposium is to develop a strong interdisciplinary and collaborative network of students, scholars, practitioners, and policy makers focusing on research challenges and opportunities unique to working with LGBTQ populations. Specifically, one goal is to foster the methodological growth of students and new professionals. The theme for the 2015 symposium is change. The legal (and in some places, social) climate is changing rapidly in terms of support provided to LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples. What does this mean for researchers studying this population and the methodological challenges and opportunities inherent in this shifting culture? Click here for more information.
NACSW’S 65th Annual Convention and Training Conference – Pursuing Shalom: Serving our Neighbors Locally and Globally
Deadline: March 1, 2015
All are encouraged to submit proposals for workshop and poster presentations sensitive to the ethical integration of spirituality, faith and social work practice. Presentations are encouraged that present model integration practices, report on research findings, and/or provide valuable information and insights relevant to the project of integrating spirituality, faith and social work practice. Click here for more information.
Millersville University 2nd Annual Global Well-Being Conference – Exploitation of Women and Children: Global Perspectives
Deadline: January 30, 2015
On a global scale, women and children face similar challenges including poverty, inadequate healthcare, limited educational opportunities, sexual exploitation, gender inequality, homelessness, violence, and family dysfunction. Though experiences differ in terms of chronicity, intensity, and impact, in all women and children they create stress and trauma that compromise well being.This year’s conference, Exploitation of Women and Children: Global Perspectives invites presentations (poster format, paper, roundtable, and workshop) that investigate challenges faced by women and children here and abroad. Click here for more information.
National Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) 65th Annual Convention and Training Conference
Deadline: March 1, 2015
The North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) announces its 65th Annual Conference entitled “Pursuing Shalom: Serving our Neighbors Locally and Globally.” All are encouraged to submit proposals for workshop and poster presentations sensitive to the ethical integration of spirituality, faith and social work practice. Presentation are encouraged that present model integration practices, report on research findings, and/or provide valuable information and insights relevant to the project of integrating spirituality, faith and social work practice. Click here for more information.
40th National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas – Building Rural and Frontier Areas
Deadline: March 30, 2015
We are particularly interested in proposals that address the following topics that relate to rural, frontier, and Native American reservation areas: improving health and human services, sustainable development, community organizing, overcoming health disparities, effective practice approaches, building social capital. Click here for more information.
29th Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care
Deadline: December 31, 2014
Successful treatment foster care programs encompass a vast array of service supports and there are many topics of interest to our conference attendees. Many participants work across the child welfare service continuum and are interested in applying what they learn throughout agency programs that engage family- and community-based treatment strategies. The FFTA Conference Committee is interested in receiving proposals for advanced-level workshops on topics geared toward clinicians; agency CEOs and other senior-level staff; program managers and directors; supervisors; administrative staff; foster parent trainers, researchers and evaluators; and foster parents. Click here for more information.
American Men’s Studies Association (AMSA) 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference – Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality
Deadline: October 31, 2014
The American Men’s Studies Association is excited to announce its 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference will be a collaborative effort with The Center for Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University and the MenEngage Network. The conference will be hosted by the Center for Men and Masculinities in New York City. Click here for more information.
2015 Multiracial & Multicultural Health Conference
Deadline: September 30, 2014
One of the only meetings in the nation to focus on rural multiracial and multicultural health issues, this event offers attendees the opportunity to meet with peers and experts who share unique concerns and interests. This conference is designed for those who are dedicated to bringing quality health care and health care services to this underserved and often under-represented portion of the rural population. Click here for more information.
41st Annual National Association for Rural Mental Health Annual Conference
Deadline: December 1, 2014
This year’s conference theme “Ahupua`a: From the Mountains to the Sea” focuses on bringing together rural community stakeholders from practice (children and adult services, early intervention, prevention, health, juvenile justice etc.) research sciences (prevention, intervention, treatment, integration, evaluation, etc. ) and policy (mental health, substance abuse, health, justice, law enforcement, prevention, etc.) to discuss the path ahead for rural communities in the face of the changing health/mental health environment. Click here for more information.
Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal Conference – Diversity, Learning, AND Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence
Deadline: September 8, 2014
Session proposals are invited that address one of the four themes below and that include evidence about what works, and what does not, to support equity in student persistence and high-quality learning. Themes are: diversity and inclusive excellence as an institutional value system; equity and high-quality learning for all students; high-impact practices and digital innovations; and developing and supporting educators for inclusive excellence, leadership, and change. Click here for more information.
National Rural Health Association (NRHA) 2015 Multiracial & Multicultural Health Conference
Deadline: September 30, 2014
One of the only meetings in the nation to focus on rural multiracial and multicultural health issues, this event offers attendees the opportunity to meet with peers and experts who share unique concerns and interests. This conference is designed for those who are dedicated to bringing quality health care and health care services to this underserved and often under-represented portion of the rural population. Click here for more information.
4th Annual American Council for School Social Work (ACSSW) School Mental Health Institute
Deadline: August 15, 2014
This conference is an interactive, participatory experience in which practitioners, researchers, national leaders in school social work, and university academics share their expertise and practice wisdom. Proposals need not be rigid research projects, but all presentations must demonstrate a clear relationship with evidence-based, data-driven, or research-based materials. All topics are welcome. Presentations of particular interest include, but are not limited to: social/emotional learning, self-care, aggression in children, heroin and other drug abuse, PBIS, violence, suicide, FBAs & BIPs, neuroscience, documenting school social work services, and children’s mental health. Click here for more information.
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC) Conference – Integrating Research, Education, and Services to Reduce Behavioral Health Disparities in Hispanic and Latino Populations
Deadline: June 30, 2014 – Austin, TX
The Poster Presentation Session will showcase an array of projects related to behavioral health issues in Hispanic and Latino populations. We encourage researchers and practitioners from diverse organizations to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Click here for more information.
National Rural Health Association (NRHA) 38th Annual Rural Health Conference
Deadline: January 9, 2015
The National Rural Health Association’s Annual Rural Health Conference is the nation’s premier event celebrating rural health. Each year, more than 200 faculty present 48 concurrent educational sessions, 20 research papers and up to 100 research and educational posters. Any person with an interest in rural health care or rural health research is invited to submit session proposals or original research for presentation during the 2015 conference. Click here for more information.
Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) 2014 Conference – AUCD Unleashed: The Power of Engagement
Deadline: June 2, 2014
This call includes submissions for Discussion Sessions, Panel Presentations, Paper Presentations, and the Poster Session. Proposals will be accepted in the following topic areas: Behavior Supports & Mental Health; Cultural & Ethnic Diversity & Linguistic Competence; Employment, Housing, or Transportation; Self-determination & Self-advocacy; Systems-level Implementation, Demonstration, and Evaluation; and others. Click here for more information.
39th Annual National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas – Building Bridges: Embracing Rural Diversity
Deadline: March 30, 2014
Abstract submissions are sought for individual research papers or practice presentations/workshops on topics related to the conference theme or other topical areas of interest to rural social work in the southwest region, as well as national and international settings. Click here for more information.
The Society for Social Work and Research Eighteenth Annual Conference – Research for Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges
Deadline: April 30, 2014
The theme for the 2014 conference is “Research for Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges”. The most pressing local and global problems in such areas as health, the environment, and poverty and inequality can be addressed through innovative solutions. The perspectives of social work researchers committed to social and economic justice are crucial to advancing social change. This annual conference provides the opportunity for social work researchers, educators, practitioners and policy makers to strengthen the scientific knowledge base that has significant impact in advancing social work practice and shaping public policy by addressing local and global challenges. Click here for more information.
39th Annual National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas – Building Bridges: Embracing Diversity
Deadline: March 30, 2014
Abstract submissions are sought for individual research papers or practice presentations/workshops on topics related to the conference theme or other topical areas of interest to rural social work in the southwest region, as well as national and international settings. Click here for more information.
2014 National Human Services Training Evaluation Symposium – Building a Professional Workforce: Evaluating the Spectrum of Professional Development
Deadline: April 1, 2014
We invite you to join some 40 to 60 national and international training evaluators in the human services field with a focus on child welfare to share your evaluation struggles, ideas, challenges, and methodologies in an atmosphere of collaboration and support. Click here for more information.
North American Association for Christians in Social Work (NACSW) 64th Annual Convention and Training Conference
Deadline: March 1, 2014
NACSW announces its 64th Annual Conference entitled “Harbor in the Storm: Beacons of Hope during Challenging Times.” All are encouraged to submit proposals for workshop and poster presentations sensitive to the ethical integration of spirituality, faith and social work practice. Presentations are encouraged that present model integration practices, report on research findings, and/or provide valuable information and insights relevant to the project of integrating spirituality, faith and social work practice. Click here for more information.
Head Start’s 12th National Research Conference on Early Childhood – Collaboration and Coordination: Understanding Systems Supporting Young Children and Their Families
Deadline: December 9, 2013
Head Start’s National Research Conference on Early Childhood will highlight research focusing on service integration, coordination, and alignment, while continuing to showcase evidence-based best practices and new research surrounding child care, Head Start, home visiting, and other early childhood programs and approaches. Click here for more information.
Foster Family-Based Treatment Association (FFTA) 28th Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care Deadline: December 18, 2013
Each year more than 600 treatment foster care and related family-based service professionals gather from around the world to expand their knowledge-base and learn new strategies and models that help vulnerable children and youth in out-of-home care thrive in a family-based treatment setting. The FFTA Conference Committee is interested in receiving proposals for advanced-level workshops on topics geared toward clinicians; agency CEOs and other senior-level staff; program managers and directors; supervisors; administrative staff; foster parent trainers, researchers and evaluators; and foster parents. To meet the professional development needs of our experienced audience, workshops will highlight new models and strength-based approaches, innovative interventions, current research and trends, emerging theories, or new ways to approach “tried-and-true” strategies. Click here for more information.
Millersville University 1st Annual Global Well-Being Conference – Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope
Deadline: January 12, 2014
This year’s conference, Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope, invites presentations (poster format, paper, roundtable, and workshop) that investigate challenges faced by youth here and abroad. These presentations can be original research, theoretical framework, clinical interventions, pedagogy, or policy and advocacy. Click here for more information.
University of Michigan Network on Inequality, Complexity, & Health Conference – Complex Systems, Health Disparities, & Population Health: Building Bridges
Deadline: January 15, 2014
Posters are being sought regarding recent work that bridges systems sciences approaches and some aspects of health disparities or population health. Click here for more information.
National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) 32nd Annual National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
Deadline: November 29, 2013
We invite you to participate in vigorous dialogue about best practices, current research, advocacy efforts, policy implications, and other lessons learned at NICWA’s 32nd Annual Protecting our Children National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Our annual conference brings together nearly 1,000 participants every year, each possessing a unique perspective of the shared goal of improving the well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families. We will give the strongest consideration to proposals that provide analysis, exemplars, and discourse in a manner that resonates across a wide audience. Click here for more information.
Millersville University 1st Annual Global Well Being Conference – Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope
Deadline: January 12, 2014
This year’s conference,Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope, invites presentations (poster format, paper, roundtable, and workshop) that investigate challenges faced by youth here and abroad. These presentations can be original research, theoretical framework, clinical interventions, pedagogy, or policy and advocacy. Click here for more information.
n4a Answers on Aging Annual Conference and Tradeshow
Deadline: November 8, 2013
The n4a Annual Conference & Tradeshow is the largest gathering of locally-based aging industry decision makers in the country and is an invaluable opportunity for Aging Network professionals to meet, collaborate, share and learn. Focus areas for 2014 include: Accessing the Opportunities from the Affordable Care Act, Engaging Volunteers in the Aging Network, Working with Diverse Aging Populations, and others. We are seeking proposals for workshops that not only fit into one of the critical topics above, but also engage an audience of staff from both Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American aging programs. Click here for more information.