Byron Palmer, A.M.
Byron Palmer will be remembered most for his book, God’s White Throne. He wrote the book from his sickbed, and used it to explore the glory of God vis-a-vis the darkness and suffering of human creation. Borden P. Bowne wrote this of Palmer’s book:
“This book is written by one of God’s sufferers whose suffering has made him one of God’s seers. Mr. Palmer is a victim of hopeless and painful disease, but he writes his book to say that God’s throne is white, and that His wisdom and goodness are in no way compromised by the hard and dark things of life. The work shows a high order of thought, with depths of spiritual insight beyond that to which most of us attain; but its great values lies in its being testimony out of life. Here is no hearsay and nothing professional, but the clear voice of one who has suffered beyond the common lot of man and who yet in his suffering has dwelt in the secret place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty.”
1904. God’s White Throne: A Rational, Evangelical Theology. Cincinnati: Press of Jennings and Graham.
1908. The Living Way. Cincinnati: Jennings and Graham.
Bostonia. 5/4 (January 1905), 18.