Corinne Beaugard 2023
  • education MSW (Community, Organization, and Social Action), University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work
    BA (English and American Literature), Middlebury College

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral Health, Mental Health and Substance Use; Health and Public Health

Practice and scholarly focus

Addiction, harm reduction, recovery, health equity, progressive and radical social work


Communities and Organizations: Analysis and Intervention (SSW MP 759)
Social Welfare Policy II: Social Problems and Social Policy (SSW WP 701)
Human Behavior and the Social Environment (SSW HB 720)


Beaugard, C.A., Hruschrak, V., Lee, C., Roth, S., Swab, J. & Rosen, D. (in press International Journal of Emergency Services) Emergency medical services on the frontlines of the opioid crisis: The role of mental health, substance use, and burnout.

Beaugard, C.A., Chui, K. K. ., Larochelle, M. R., Young, L. D., Walley, A. Y., & Stopka, T. J. (2021). Abrupt Discontinuation From Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Massachusetts, 2015–2018. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Hruschak, Ringwald, W., Yuan, Y., Pacella-LaBarbara, M., Repine, M., Beaugard, C., Rosen, D., & Cochran, G. (2021). Pain Appraisals in Patients with Physical Injury: Assessing the Role of Distress Tolerance in the Relationship between Depression and Pain Catastrophizing. Health & Social Work, 46(3), 187–198.

McKetchnie, S.M. Beaugard, C., Taylor, S. W., & O’Cleirigh, C. (2021). Perspectives on Pain, Engagement in HIV Care, and Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain Among Older Sexual Minority Men Living with HIV and Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Analysis. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), 22(3), 577–584.

Cochran, Pacella, M. L., Ringwald, W., Repine, M., Hruschak, V., Beaugard, C., Sewall, C., Rosen, D., Alarcon, L. H., Tarkin, I. S., Moloney, G. B., & Corcos, A. (2020). Opioid use patterns and risk characteristics among injured patients. Substance Abuse, 41(1), 24–28.

Hruschak, V., Beaugard, C., & Rosen, D. (2020). Attitudes and Perceptions of Naloxone Administration Among Chronic Pain Patients and First Responders: Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of Addictions and Addictive Behavior, 7: 49.

Rosen, D., Engel, R.J., Beaugard, C., Davis, N. & Cochran, G. (2018): Baby boomer’s substance abuse and researcher indifference. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2018.1530715


Enhancing behavioral health & aging competencies: Workforce development for senior center staff. Keefe, B., Beaugard, C.A., Tripken, J. American Public Health Association, Poster, November 6-9

A scoping review of race concordance between patients and clinicians in substance use disorder treatment for Black patients. Beaugard, C.A., Thomas, H., Chapman, S., Chatterjee, A., Do, D., Heredia-Perez, D., Lasser, K.E., Lee, C.S., Talukder, F., Yule, A., So-Armah, K., Komaromy, M. 2022 AMERSA National Conference, Paper, November 12.

Privacy and data-sharing practices among post-overdose outreach programs in Massachusetts: A mixed methods study. Beaugard, C.A., Carroll, J., Cummins, E.R., Cheung, O., Cinq-Mars, H., Formica, S., Walley, A.Y. 2022 AMERSA National Conference, Poster, November 10-12.

The harm reduction movement in Massachusetts: An oral history. Hamilton, G., Beaugard, C.A., Langis, G., Tilley, J., Chassler, D., Beers, D., Sprague Martinez, L., Walley, A. National Harm Reduction Conference 2022, Panel Presentaiton, October 11-16th.

Quality of recovery during the first 12-months of recovery from addiction. Beaugard, C.A. & Amodeo, M. National Harm Reduction Conference 2022, Poster, October 11-16.

Emergency medical services on the frontlines of the opioid crisis: The role of mental health, substance use, and burnout. Beaugard, C.A., Hruschrak, V., Lee, C., Roth, S., Swab, J. & Rosen, D. American Public Health Association, Paper, Oct 21-27.

The Pyschosocial Health of Pregnant Young Adults: Preliminary Data from the Young Moms Study. Boss, N., Beaugard, C.A., De Genna, N. NAMICon 2021, Express talk, July 27.

The Phenomenology of Stigma in Healthcare Settings among People in 12-Step Fellowships. Beaugard, C.A., Saba, S., Delva, J.2020 AMERSA National Conference, Poster, October 7.

Theoretical, Methodological, and Applied Learning: Engaging Doctoral Students in Qualitative Research Training. Society for Qualitative Research in Psychology, June 8-9, 2020. Symposium. Accepted, cancelled due to COVID-19.

Promoting health mother-child relationships: A pragmatic clinical trial for women in opioid treatment and their infants. Paris, R., Rose-Jacobs, R., Short Mejia, A., Finkelstein, N., Gould, K., Query, A., Beaugard, C.A., Saia, K. Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network, Poster, 2019.

Motivation for treatment and recovery: Mothers in a parenting intervention. Beaugard, C.A., Rosetti, A., Herriot, A., Paris. R. American Public Health Association, Poster, November 2-6, 2019.

Distress intolerance in patients with depression and pain catastrophizing: Implications for pain care and the social work profession. Hruschak, Ringwald, W., Yuan, Y., Pacella-LaBarbara, M., Repine, M., Beaugard, C.A., Rosen, D., & Cochran, G. Society for Social Work and Research, Poster, January 16-20, 2019.

Professional Activities and Certifications

2018–present: American Public Health Association
2021, 2022: Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Cannabis section, Conference program planning
2019-present: The Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction

AD Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Emergency Services
AD Hoc Reviewer, Substance Use and Misuse

Volunteer Groups:
AHOPE Needle Exchange (Fall 2018-present)
Food Link (Spring 2020-present)

Graduation Year

2023 (expected)

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