The Lex Lab conducts research investigating how early language experience affects vocabulary acquisition and processing in American Sign Language. One of the primary projects is ASL-LEX, a database funded by NSF that documents the structure of the American Sign Language lexicon.

Language Acquisition and Visual Attention Lab

The Language Acquisition and Visual Attention Lab. We study the relationship between language and visual attention in deaf and hearing individuals. Using a range of approaches, from observations of parents and children interacting to experimental eye-tracking studies, we ask how deaf children learning American Sign Language learn to perceive both language and information about the […]

Aphasia Resource Center

The Aphasia Resource Center is one of the nation’s preeminent aphasia clinical research and rehabilitation centers. The goals of its research are to systematically implement assessment and rehabilitation practices to enhance the communication skills of individuals with aphasia, develop a systematic, evidence-based protocol in diagnosing and rehabilitating patients with aphasia, facilitate effective translation of research […]

Center for Systems Neuroscience (CSN)

The Center for Systems Neuroscience provides an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental structure to promote research, foster collaboration, and enhance recruitment of new researchers in systems neuroscience at Boston University. The center includes over 70 faculty in multiple colleges and departments on both the Charles River Campus and Medical Campus.

Center for Autism Research Excellence

The Center for Autism Research Excellence (CARE) is a research center with a primary mission to advance scientific knowledge about the language and social communication impairments in autism/ASD and related disorders. We carry out studies on all ages using behavioral, brain, and cognitive measures.

Center for the Study of Communication & the Deaf

The Center on Sign Language and Deaf Education is a hub for Deaf and signing researchers, educators, creators, and technologists to promote sign languages and Deaf cultures, and to build a world in which the human right to accessible language is realized for all Deaf children.

Center for the Study of Asia

Boston University’s Center for the Study of Asia promotes comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and cross-national understanding of Asia through coordination of teaching missions, research support, community-building among faculty and students, and broad outreach beyond the university. 

American Institute of Afghanistan Studies

The American Institute for Afghanistan Studies at BU is a private, scholarly institution founded in 2003 to support research on all aspects of Afghanistan’s history and culture and to promote scholarly ties between Afghanistan and the United States.

African Studies Center

The African Studies Center is one of the nation’s oldest leaders in promoting African language and area studies since its founding in 1953. As a center for excellence for researching, learning, and teaching about Africa, the ASC provides opportunities for students and scholars across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to pursue rigorous […]

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