Category: BBC

News related to the Brain, Behavior, and Cognition program.

PBS Assistant Professor Robert Reinhart discusses Electrical Stimulation to Improve Memory in Old Age

PBS Assistant Professor Robert Reinhart discusses Electrical Stimulation to Improve Memory in Old Age. From the article: Reinhart, an assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences and the director of the Cognitive & Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, studies human cognition with the goal of developing drug-free therapeutics for people suffering from brain disorders. He was recently […]

PBS Prof. Alice Cronin-Golomb receives Bernice Grafstein award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Mentoring, from the Society for Neuroscience

PBS Prof. Alice Cronin-Golomb receives Bernice Grafstein award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Mentoring, from the Society for Neuroscience. The Bernice Grafstein Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Mentoring recognizes individuals dedicated to developing the careers of female neuroscientists. Named after the first female president of SfN, the award recognizes leaders who have aided the early careers […]

PBS Professor Steve Ramirez on ‘Unlocking the Power of Our Emotional Memory’

PBS Professor Steve Ramirez’s research was recently profiled in The Brink: “Memory is less of a video recording of the past, and more reconstructive,” says Ramirez, a BU College of Arts & Sciences assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences. The malleable nature of memory is both a blessing and curse: it’s bad if we remember […]