Gary Balady

Director, Preventive Cardiology; Professor, School of Medicine

Dr. Balady is a Professor of Medicine and an Assistant Dean of Admissions at Boston University School of Medicine, and is the Director of Preventive Cardiology and Director of the Non Invasive Cardiovascular Laboratories at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Balady is a fellow of the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Dr. Balady serves the American Heart Association both nationally and locally by leading and/or participating on several key committees involved with exercise, physical activity and preventive cardiology.

He is Past Chairman of the AHA’s Council on Clinical Cardiology, Past President of the AHA Greater Boston Division, and presently serves as Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors of the AHA Founders Affiliate. He has either chaired or been a member of several writing groups of the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology, which generate guidelines regarding exercise testing and training, and preventive cardiology. Dr. Balady’s research interests focus on exercise testing and training of cardiac patients, with a particular emphasis on the physiologic changes that occur in the cardiovascular system with regular exercise, as well as assessment of outcomes after cardiac rehabilitation. He is an associate editor for the journalĀ Circulation, and past Editor in Chief for theĀ Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.