About Us

We’re a team of researchers and clinicians with expertise in rehabilitation and movement science. All the activities we conduct have a single goal: to advance the quality of rehabilitation for those with neurological disorders. Seldom do clinical practice, advanced research and community programs integrate so well or with such immediate benefits to patients.

Our research projects investigate the effectiveness of different rehabilitation methods, allowing us to continually refine our strategies and techniques. The innovative, evidence-based approaches from our own studies and other research institutions move directly into our clinical practice. That means patients can immediately reap the benefits, helping them reach their maximum potential for functioning and independence.

We also share this emerging knowledge with practicing professionals, students and patients through many educational activities.

Our Mission

  • To generate new knowledge related to effective physical therapy treatment of persons with Parkinson Disease and other neurological conditions
  • To provide state-of-the-art, evidence-based physical therapy services to reduce disability and enhance quality of life in persons living with Parkinson disease and other neurological conditions
  • To disseminate new knowledge to health care professionals, students in training and the Parkinson and neurologic communities in the form of peer reviewed publications, presentation and  educational outreach activities

Our Vision

To lead the development of evidence based, innovative, theory-based approaches to the rehabilitation of persons with Parkinson disease and other neurological conditions and to disseminate this information on a global level.