Network Sites
Each of the NERSCIC sites brings unique strengths to the NERSCIC Network.
Boston University Medical Campus (BUMC) in Boston, MA serves a socio-economically and racially diverse urban population and is the headquarters for the research, education, and other collaborative activities of NERSCIC. Under the leadership of Dr. Alan Jette as Principal Investigator at the BU School of Public Health (BUSPH), NERSCIC provides continuing extensive research expertise and experience to all of NERSCIC’s activities in collaboration with the wider SCI community. BUMC also now partners with Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital to offer the Knowledge in Motion Consumer Education Program Lectures and Webcasts.
Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford CT is a prominent Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH) collaborating with Yale-New Haven Hospital that serves a higher proportion of patients with medically complex conditions in a suburban/rural locale. Dr. David Rosenblum, SCI-certified physiatrist, is Co-PI of NERSCIC and Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services and of Outpatient Services at Gaylord, directing Gaylord’s SCI program. Learn more about the services and programs of Gaylord Hospital.
Hospital for Special Care (HSC), located in central CT, is a longstanding Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH) collaborating with Hartford Hospital. HSC sees an older, primarily urban patient population more likely to be low-income. Dr. Mani Seetharama, SCI-certified physiatrist, acts as Co-PI of NERSCIC and consults at HSC. Dr. Seetharama also serves as the Medical Director of Rehab Services at Hartford Hospital, directing the SCI program. Learn more about the services and programs of Hospital for Special Care.
Affiliated Site
Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital participates in NERSCIC’s clinical capacity building and outreach activities through its extensive network of outpatient clinics in NH and MA. Learn more about the services and programs of Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital.