Category: Calendar
Paula Hammond, PhD: Electrostatic Designer Nanocarriers for Targeted Therapies The 2023 Distinguished Biomaterials Lecture was held in conjunction with the TRB-QBP-SB2 Symposium. Read the lecture abstract and speaker bio.
“The multifaceted translational value of stem cell biology: disease “treater” vs. disease “unraveller”” November 27, 2023 4:00-5:00 pm LSE 103 Jump to Registration Abstract The field of stem cell biology has evolved over the 4 decades since its inception. Stem cells have always been viewed as components of fundamental developmental programs. However, our ability […]
“Biomaterials for delivering on the promise of immunotherapy” November 17, 2023 12:30-1:30 pm PHO 203 Jump to Registration Abstract Immunomodulatory therapies have advanced to clinical trials over the past decade for the treatment of a range of diseases and disorders, from cancer to diabetes to transplant rejection. However, the efficacy of these therapies remains limited, […]
Linda Griffith, Ph.D. (MIT) Apr 25, 2022, 4:30 pm – 6 pm Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering Eichenbaum Colloquium Room (Rm 101) “Deconstructing and Reconstructing the (Gynecology) Patient” “TRB Distinguished Speaker Event
Avak Kahvejian, PhD Partner Flagship Pioneering “Institutional Entrepreneurial Innovation: Fireside Chat with Avak Kahvejian, Flagship Pioneering” Thursday, April 15, 4-5pm (ET) REGISTER HERE SUBMIT QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE At this Fireside Chat, TRB Director Mark Grinstaff will interview Dr. Avak Kahvejian. The content of this interview will be based on audience interests. When you register for […]
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND YOU Monday, February 27, 2017 | 1:30-3 p.m. Photonics Colloquium Room 8 St. Mary’s Street, 9th Floor Featuring Jill Becker, Entrepreneur in Residence, BUnano, Michael Koeris, Biomedical Engineering alumnus and CEO and Founder, Sample6, and Deckard Sorensen, Founder, NBD Nanotechnologies, Inc. Boston University is part of Boston’s strong entrepreneurial community and ecosystem — […]