Weston High School
Weston, MA 02193
April 12, 1994
Ms. Cynthia Brossman
Boston University Physics Dept.
590 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
Dear Ms. Brossman,
I am writing to express my gratitude and appreciation of my students
for the opportunities offered by Pathways '95.
The young women who attended found the day to be exciting and motivating.
The mixture of research presentations, lab tours, and poster displays
was great. Students also enjoyed the opportunity to discuss the
difficult issues of balancing career and family issues in an environment
which celebrated the abilities and accomplishments of women. Perhaps
of Equal importance, I sensed that the students left with a greater
appreciation of the "human element" of science and mathematics,
and with an awareness that doing science means working with many
other people rather than spending many hours alone in a lab.
I hope you will forward copies of this letter or in some other
way convey my appreciation to the organizations which sponsored
this event. We look forward to Pathways '96!
Dennis McCowan
Math Department Chair
Weston Public Schools