Welcome to our Participant's Homepage! If you're interested in science, mathematics or engineering, the Pathways program will give you the chance to meet and talk with women currently working in these fields. You can tour their labs, question them about their fields of work and find out about their individual experiences. Let us walk you though a typical day at Pathways.

In the morning, you will be assigned to a group of 8 students and meet with your mentor for the day. She will orient you and give you tips on how to get the most of your experience. Usually the program includes one presentation about some aspect of science, mathematics or engineering. This talk is intended to give you an idea of some of the important research now being done by women in both universities and industry.




You'll be able to visit two labs at Boston University. Your tour guide will show you the equipment she works with and will explain what she's investigating. There may be a live demonstration or you may have a chance to try something for yourself.




During the Poster/Demo session you will definitely get some hands on experience. There are microscopes, computers, simple experiments and demonstration set up for you to use. Researchers will also present posters describing their latest results. You can ask as many questions as you want!




While the Poster/Demo session is going on, you'll also have a chance to sit at career tables and talk informally with women in different branches of science about their experiences. Each table will have a different theme -- Medicine, Industry, Academia, Biotechnology , Computer Science are some of the possibilities!



Finally you and your group will rejoin your mentor for lunch. This is a great opportunity to share your experiences informally with others. We hope you'll leave with many new ideas about possible careers in science, mathematics and engineering, and also that you'll feel encouraged about pursuing your interests in these fields.


To give you a better idea of what Pathways is all about, we have included in this section highlights of past Pathways programs, a Pathways Photo album, and a sampling of some of the questions most frequently asked at our panel sessions. We hope you will join us for Pathways 2002. To register, click here.


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