Looking for inspiration? Here is a
great place to look for top stories in the fields of
science, math or engineering pulled from the pages of major
Our list is by no means exhaustive. We will continue to add resource links as we find them. If you would like to recommend a book, website, association or scholarship opportunity that you do not see listed above, please e-mail us the information and we will galaxy add it to our list.
Looking for a good read? Then may we recommend....
Breakthrough, Women in Science
by Diane Glaser
Contemporary Women Scientists of America
by Iris NobleNobel Prize Women in Science
by Sharon Bertsch McGrayneThe Lady Laureates
by Olkga OpfelTriumph of Discovery: Women Scientists Who Won the Nobel Prize
by Joan DashWomen and Medicine
by Beatrice LevinWomen and the Nobel Prize
by Barba ShielsWomen of Modern Science
by Edna YostWomen Pioneers of Science
by Louis Haber
Association for Women in Computing (AWC)
P.O. Box 2NOO
St. Paul, MN 55123Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
1522 K St., NW Suite 820,
Washington, DC 20005Women in Information Processing
Lock Box 39173
Washington, DC 20016American Chemical Society, Women Chemists Committee
1155 16th St., NW
Washington, DC 20016
American Medal's Women's Association (AMWA)
801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314Association for Women in Mathematics
P.O. Box 178
Wellesley, MA 02181
tel: 617.235.0320 x.2643
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
230 E. Ohio Street, Suite 400
Chicago IL 60611-3265
hq@swe.orgAssociation for Women Geoscientists (AWG)
P.O. Box 1005
Menlo Park, CA 94205
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