8:15- 8:45 AM
Registration / Refreshments:
Law School Auditorium
8:45- 9:00 AM
Welcome Address:
Sarah Zohn, EMC Corporation
9:00- 9:45 AM
Research Presentations:
Prof. Amy Mullin;
'Chemistry in the Fast Lane: Laser Studies of
Highly-Excited Molecules"
Prof. Mari Ostendorf;
"Conversing with Computers and
Talking to your TV"
9:45-11:45 AM
Lab Visits and Demo /
Informal Poster Session
11:45-12:20 PM
Lunch provided for all participants
Metcalf Hall; George Sherman Union
12:20-1:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Pathways Taken by Women
Moderator: Prof. Ann Georgi,
Harvard Medical School
- Rama Bansil, Physics Dept., Boston
- Claire Chaenchuk, Molten Metals Corp.
- Leslie Kolodziejski; M.I.T.
- Christine Li, Biology Department, Boston
- Susan Loverso, Isis Distributed Systems
1:00- 1:20 PM
Hot Topics Presentation:
Jennifer Lawton, Net Daemon Assoc., Inc.
"The Internet: What's In It For You?"
1:20-1:50 P.M.
Roundtable Discussions
1:50-2:00 P.M.
Wrap-up and End of Program