Robert Kaufmann

Professor of Earth & Environment, BU College of Arts & Sciences

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Professor Kaufmann’s research focuses on three areas: global climate change, world oil markets, and land-use changes. Research on global climate change includes topics such as, are humans causing the climate to change and how will changes in climate affect natural ecosystems and human wellbeing? His research on world oil markets combines the geological, engineering, and economic determinants of oil supply, oil demand, and oil prices. Currently, he is focusing on the degree to which large changes in oil prices are driven by market fundamentals and speculation. He also analyzes the relationship between socioeconomic development and land-use change. He is a founding partner of First Fuel Software, which was recently purchased by Uplight. They combine a variety of mathematical techniques and engineering methods to conduct energy audits of commercial buildings without stepping foot inside the building. This greatly reduces the cost of audits and accelerates the rate at which conservation measures reduce energy use, carbon emissions, and save people money.

Current Faculty
Fall 2022 Workshop and Fall 2023 Workshop